
Agrarian Economics

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No 7 (2024)
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4-13 104

The article contains the trends and directions of technical regulation development, standardization, conformity assessment, accreditation and control (supervision) the safety and quality of food products on the market of the Republic of Belarus. The features and priorities of the current stage of work to improve quality in the country and industries are outlined.

22-29 100

Approaches to the identification of juice products are analysed, the relevance of the development of a system of authenticity of juices, including for the purpose of confirming compliance with the requirements of TR TS 023/2011, is substantiated. The results of research of one of the possible markers of juice authenticity – the content of oxygen isotope 18O in the water component of the product are presented. The ways of solution of juices authenticity assessment are proposed, allowing to improve the quality and safety of juice products.

30-42 142

The article contains an assessment of the development of the dairy industry of the Republic of Belarus, including a comparative analysis of the achieved results with the world’s main producers and exporters of dairy products. The objectives and priority directions for the development of the industry within the framework of the fundamental program documents are revealed. Measures to improve the quality of milk supplied to the country’s milk processing enterprises are reflected. A comprehensive assessment of new directions for the production of dairy products was carried out in the context of increasing competitiveness in the domestic and foreign markets.

43-49 104

Analysis of the results of state sanitary supervision in the field of food safety, including different indicators are carried out. Reflected the dynamics of not allowed for sale and withdrawn from circulation products reflected. The main directions of the system of management of quality and food safety of the country’s sanitary and epidemiological control service are outlined. The priority directions for the development of the national food safety control system have been identified and systematized.

50-63 129

The article presents the scientific results of a study assessing the current state and development trends of the logistics system of the Republic of Belarus in the context of economic challenges and sanctions restrictions. The effectiveness of the functioning of subjects of the national logistics market was determined based on an analysis of the level of their service, range and quality of services provided. A set of effective directions has been developed that provide for improving the quality of logistics services as the most important priority for the development of the economy of the Republic of Belarus.

64-69 137

The trends in the development of the meat and dairy industries are analyzed. Information is provided on global trends in food production and areas for improving technical processes.

70-78 120

The types of management systems implemented at food enterprises that help ensure the production of high-quality and safe products are analyzed. Using the example of dairy processing industry enterprises, the degree of implementation and certification of a quality management system, a food safety management system based on hazard analysis and critical control points, and a food safety management system was determined. Aspects of the application by enterprises of the requirements of the Halal system when supplying products to the markets of Islamic countries have been studied.

79-85 40

The main international and national legislative acts regulating geographical indications of products are considered. All over the world the institutions of protection of geographical indications and appellations of origin of food products allow minimising unfair competition, guaranteeing high quality of products, their declared properties and protecting the interests of consumers. The contribution of geographical indications to the preservation of the environment, traditional technologies and food culture is highly valued. The development of the institute of geographical indications will make it possible to increase the international recognition of domestic food products not only in the Republic of Belarus, but also outside our country.

86-95 114

Analysis of quality management methods of agricultural and food products, and level of their development, is provided. The features of tools and changes in the modern system for quality management the products of agroindustrial complex in the Republic of Belarus are reflected.

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ISSN 1818-9806 (Print)