
Agrarian Economics

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No 12 (2022)
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4-21 546

The article presents a methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the use of state support in the agroindustrial complex of the Republic of Belarus, including a methodology for calculating additional indicators differentiated by region. These parameters will characterize the dynamics of the debt burden and the state of the discipline of calculations in the agroindustrial complex and, taking them into account, will assess the effectiveness of the use of state support in the agroindustrial complex, as well as the results of the work of the agricultural and processing sectors of the economy with reference to the final result.

22-29 198

The features of the formation of the organizational algorithm for the commercialization of innovations in the agricultural business of the Republic of Belarus are studied. An improved algorithm for the commercialization of innovations has been carried out in order to increase the efficiency of its functioning on the basis of a partial change in the composition of corporate and institutional blocks. The influence of the new structural elements of the algorithm on the effectiveness of the commercialization of innovations and the production and economic activities of agrarian business organizations is determined.

30-38 208

Considers the role of risk management in ensuring the sustainable functioning of the agroindustrial complex in modern conditions is considered. The key risks in the agricultural sector of the Republic of Belarus for 2012–2021 are identified, their features and the results of the offensive are described. A review of the effectiveness of the response of the state agrarian policy to the identified situations was carried out, recommendations were given for its improvement. It has been determined that an important feature of the domestic risk management system in agriculture is its continuous transformation in the direction of increasing the speed and efficiency of taking anti-risk measures, using economically sound tools and minimization methods, and introducing modern methods for predicting challenges, dangers and threats.

39-52 203

The analysis of the information interaction system in the field of quality of agrifood products in Belarus is presented. The features of functioning and development trends of the mechanism information interaction of subjects in the designated area are highlighted.


53-61 220

Outlines the priority areas for the development of cooperative and integration ties in the beekeeping industry. The economic, ecological and social significance of creating cooperative formations in beekeeping at the following levels is substantiated: personal subsidiary plots of citizens; peasant (farm) farms; agricultural organizations (specialized enterprises) engaged in large-scale production of bee products and the provision of services for the pollination of entomophilous plants; administrative districts and regions (oblasts), republic. Concrete proposals are presented for the creation of a research and production cluster for beekeeping on the basis of organizations of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.


62-71 279

Discusses the peculiarities of the environment of functioning and management of elements of the marketing complex in the beet sugar subcomplex in Belarus. The dynamics of exports and imports in the context of countries for 2017–2021. The structure of exports and imports shows a high share of the Russian Federation (55 and 65,2 %, respectively). Currently, enterprises operate in a complex, volatile, highly uncertain marketing environment, so marketing activities are of particular importance to such enterprises. Marketing management is a complex organizational activity and includes the analysis, planning, execution of activities and control over the implementation of activities aimed at establishing, strengthening and maintaining profitable exchanges with target buyers in order to achieve the necessary levels of sales, profit and market share.


72-86 565

Considers the development of digitalization of the agroindustrial complex on the basis of foreign experience, suggests the use of digital technologies for the agroindustrial complex of the Republic of Belarus. The study Фof domestic and foreign literature made it possible to clarify the essence of the definition of “digital economy of the agroindustrial complex”. The issue of the development of digitalization of the agroindustrial complex based on the national strategies for the development of the digital economy and e-agriculture of foreign countries and Belarus was considered. The main estimated indicators of digitalization within countries are analyzed, and their systematization into one single methodology is proposed.

The main directions of digitalization of the agroindustrial complex of the Republic of Belarus were identified through the full automation of accounting, which will increase the level of management decisions made using digital technologies, to increase the competitiveness of organizations in the national and foreign markets.


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ISSN 1818-9806 (Print)