
Agrarian Economics

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No 8 (2018)


2-10 176
The article presents the results of research on the development of scientifically based approaches to the provision and calculation of price support in agriculture according to the WTO methodology, which take into account both the specifics of the functioning of the agrarian sector of Belarus and the peculiarities of national pricing. Conducted in 2011-2016 years calculations showed that, despite the rules for determining price support formulated in the WTO agreement on agriculture, our country needs to work out its own approaches. This is due to the fact that in the period under review the administratively established prices could change during the year, which required the establishment of unified rules for calculating the average annual price. In addition, not all agricultural products, to which the Government regulated prices, was the object of foreign economic activity, which makes it necessary to develop a methodology for determining the external reference price for these products. The calculations showed that in 2011-2016 years price support for the WTO methodology of agriculture of our country was not (with some exceptions) and there was a large price withdrawal. Thus, pricing for agricultural products was aimed at supporting the consumer. The results obtained made it possible to formulate proposals for optimizing support measures for products (premiums to prices, subsidies for reducing the cost of resources, etc.), and to justify the list of products in relation to which it is advisable to provide specific support measures.
11-18 204
In the functioning of production processes, there are elements of uncertainty that cause situations that do not have an unambiguous solution. Relative uncertainty is characterized by a situation of risk, when the occurrence of events is likely and can be determined. Risk management is part of the activities of the organization’s managers aimed at cost-effective protection of the organization from unwanted conscious and accidental circumstances that cause material damage to the organization. Risk management, like any management activity, has its own logical aspect (decision making) and its procedure (sequence of actions). Risk management is the process of developing and implementing solutions that minimize incidental or legitimate events that cause material damage to the organization.At the same time, in the field of effective risk management, the problem is that attention is not focused on the presence of risk factors that affect the dynamics of several types of risks simultaneously.
19-30 247
The subject of this study is demographic processes in rural areas: fertility, mortality, migration. The purpose of the study is to identify demographic trends for the further use of the results in studying the employment of the rural population.According to predicted experts’ estimates, negative demographic trends in rural areas will continue. In this regard, there is a need to develop and implement measures that mitigate the expected adverse effects and form the prerequisites for improving the demographic climate in rural areas. In the context of the prevailing negative trends in the deformation of the sex-age structure of the rural population and its reduction, the problem of optimizing the labor market and employment in rural areas is being actualized, which focuses on the development of effective instruments for their regulation.


31-37 193
The article presents long-term data on the effect of the degree of erosion degradation of sod-podzolic soils on crop yields. With increasing soil erosion, the productivity of all crops naturally decreases. Compliance with technological regulations for the cultivation of crops can significantly reduce the negative impact of erosion degradation of soils on their productive capacity. Under conditions of controlled field experiments, the coefficients of the decrease in the productivity of all crops on arable land averaged 0.95 on weakly washed soils, 0.90 on medium-eroded soils and 0.80 on highly washed soils.
38-47 166
The article presents a methodology for the environmental and economic assessment of the return to agricultural production of radioactively contaminated land withdrawn from circulation in the 1990s. The author has improved the approach to distinguishing the system of criteria and evaluation indicators, and scores of parameters for assessing indicators reflecting radiation safety and economic feasibility. She developed a scale of rapid assessment of the economic feasibility of reclamation of longunused fallow lands, the use of which simplifies the procedure. An approach is proposed for the interconnection of the results of intermediate assessments and their interpretation.


48-57 171
The influence of agroholdings on the agrarian sector of the Ukrainian economy is growing from year to year. A comparative analysis of the theoretical views of economists on the problem of identifying the above structures has carried out in the article. The basic tendencies of formation and development of such forms of managing in agriculture of Ukraine have analyzed. The reasons for the wide spread of agroholdings in Ukraine and the post-Soviet space have revealed. The main trends in the functioning of agroholdings in a number of post-Soviet countries have compared. The leading agro-holding companies in Ukraine have represented. Negative factors of influence of such structures on the development of the agricultural sector have defined.
58-67 286
Trends and features of development of modern foreign logistical systems providing movement of agricultural raw materials and production are revealed and generalized. The mechanisms of providing the logistical process, as well as the complex influencing the last internal and external factors. The classification of logistics systems in agribusiness, PL-operators and tradeintermediary structures used in foreign practice is performed. The prospects of creating an information and consulting service in the domestic agribusiness are considered, which is the link at all levels of management of the industrial logistics system.

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ISSN 1818-9806 (Print)