No 5 (2018)
2-11 235
The algorithm of improvement of mechanism of realization of the main directions of the harmonized agro-industrial policy of member states of the EAEU is developed. The algorithm is aimed at the balanced development of mutual trade in food products and includes a system of measures and tools in the context of the three fundamental blocks: forecasting trade flows of food products between the EAEU countries in the context of joint forecasts of demand and supply of member States for the main types of agricultural products and food; establishing common rules of product circulation and technical regulation in the common food market; removing barriers to mutual access of goods to the internal market of the Union.
12-21 275
The key agricultural branches (dairy and meat) are identified, which in 2012-2016. were engaged in the sale of products in foreign markets. Approved the methodology developed by the author of the rating analysis of export-oriented enterprises of meat processing and dairy processing industry.
22-27 179
The article deals with their own brands Belarusian retailers. The private labels’ portfolio was analyzed. The key factors that have an impact on making a decision of creating a private labels’ portfolio and the recommendations were identified.
28-34 196
The article outlines the prerequisites, specifics and significance of the development of rural and family entrepreneurship, self-employment of the population. The perspective foreign experience of realization of self-employment support programs is presented. A set of measures to enhance the development of rural entrepreneurship in the Republic of Belarus is proposed.
35-43 220
In the article current method of accounting for accounts receivable from the lessor and obligations of the lessee are disclosed, their weaknesses are mentioned, areas for improvement within the framework of elimination of collisions in normative legal acts of the Republic of Belarus and harmonization of methods with IFRS are offered.
44-48 188
In modern conditions, the development of the market of road transport services in agriculture is closely related to logistics. The market of road transport services in agribusiness refers to the system of institutional relations through which the state, carriers, shippers and consignees interact. The main parameter of competitiveness of AIC is to minimize total logistics costs in the technological chain «production-processing and marketing of agricultural products».
49-65 198
This article reveals the essence of protein products. The decisive importance of the efficiency of its production in increasing the profitability of the livestock sector is established. Views of various scientists to understanding the essence of the market are analyzed, and their systematization is carried out. A system’s analysis of the main theoretical aspects of the formation, functioning and development of the protein products market is carried out. Specific features and basic principles of its functioning are resulted, the necessity of combining the market mechanism and state regulation is grounded.
66-72 196
Article is devoted to the analysis of the current situation of marketing in the food industry of the Republic of Armenia and also to studying of the existing problems which interfere with development of the sector. In the article is considered the essence of introduction of advanced technologies in marketing processes of the enterprises and it is presented the existing problems in RA and possible ways of solving those problems.
ISSN 1818-9806 (Print)