
Agrarian Economics

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No 1 (2016)


2-24 254
The main purpose of this scientific work is development of the theory of the transnationalization of the food sector of Belarus. The research of the theories of transnationalization of the economy was done, stages and features of the evolution of food multinational corporations were studied. The process of transnationalization of the economy in developed and developing countries was considered. Developed by the author theory of the transnationalization of the food supposes the choice of directions of internationalization of native agro-industrial complex, step by step process of implemention of transnationalization of enterprises, the development of the organizational structure of the corporate center of food TNCs, the correction of a life cycle of food TNCs which based in Belarus, the identification of the factors which determine the form and content of the process of transnationalization, determination and comparative analysis of basic organizational forms of transnationalization, the development of the concept of effective government management of the process of transnationalization.
38-42 156
In the scientific article discusses: the essence of the concept of «green» economy, the principles and conditions for the transition to «green» economy, the development of cleaner production for environmentally friendly agricultural products (CP), the transition of the Republic of Belarus for the principles of «green» economy.
43-48 251
This article describes the different approaches to the understanding of the authors of production efficiency, the systematization of these approaches. Views of scientists of criteria and system of indicators allowing to estimate economic efficiency of production are analysed. The analysis of criteria and indicators efficiency of agrarian production from the point of view of various participants of the economic relations is carried out.


51-56 258
In the article the constraints in expanding the area under crop of alfalfa. Found that in order to ensure sustainable harvesting of alfalfa seed must, in addition to farming practices, to provide sufficient seed stands of insect pollinators that will receive 5-10 times higher seed yield. It was concluded that one of the reserves for increasing seed production of this culture can be breeding leaf cutter bees.

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ISSN 1818-9806 (Print)