No 8 (2017)
2-10 172
Based on the researches it is established that integrity of cluster institutional space makes direct impact on properties and qualities of the separate elements making food system. Their development becomes impossible or inefficient out of system, out of interaction with other its elements. Properties of grocery structures as complete food system are defined not only and not so much by summation of separate elements, how many properties of their structure, special backbone integration communications.
11-20 232
The article analyses the forms and mechanisms of mutually beneficial cooperation of manufacturers and organizations producing scientific and technical products in the agricultural sector (clusters, technological platforms and innovation infrastructure - agrotechnopark, business incubators, technology transfer centres, etc.). There are considered some aspects foreign experience of business and science integration and its legal regulation, the use of which will contribute to the effectiveness of intensive innovative development of domestic agricultural production in the article.
21-28 211
The paper considers two scenarios for the development of agriculture under similar initial conditions. A comparative analysis of the development of the agro-industrial complex was carried out in the context of the Gomel region of the Republic of Belarus and the German federal state of Saxony-Anhalt. The article analyzes the final indicators of agricultural enterprises and suggests an approach to increase the agricultural potential of the Gomel region.
29-35 193
For the effective production of works of organization it is necessary to manage processes and to provide such strategy of quality, that can be realized only at the complete personal interest of top management in producing of quality products. Consequently, choosing internalss, it is necessary to use such stages as development, perfection, analysis and estimation of alternative variants. Every organization is unique. Consequently, a development of strategy process has specific features, as depends on position of organization at the market, dynamics of her development, behavior of competitors, potential of this structure, descriptions of the commodities or rendered services, state of economy and another parameters offered to her. Major from the last are strong parties of organization. The analysis of the different systems of monitoring of quality shows that presently there is not single methodology of estimation of results of activity of enterprise it is not, and corresponding questions are in every organization examined individually.
36-43 211
This article discusses the problem of forming a marketing management system in an industrial plant. Given the standard set of marketing functions inherent in industrial enterprise is offered author's method of forming a model of marketing activity of the woodworking industry b2b market.
44-51 252
The current state of potato esprocessing subcomplex of Belarus is considered in the article, its assessment and development directions are given. The assessment methods and tools of potatoes processing subcomplex potential are proved. According to research results, the technology decrease solutions in products cost of deep potatoes processing are proposed.
52-59 325
The article presents a system analysis of the main production and economic indicators of the vegetable growing industry (the volume of production in the whole country and federal districts, in the context of crops and various categories of producers, in open and protected ground, in price terms, import volumes, etc.); Retail sales of vegetables by regions of the Russian Federation were studied; An assessment of the current state of the industry in the Russian Federation, taking into account the functioning under WTO conditions and economic sanctions; Identified the main problems of the development of the industry.
60-65 565
In the article, based on the analysis of the level prices for the main products of Ukrainian crop production, the author propose measures for the formation of integrated structures of agricultural enterprises, which produce and support the production and sale of products. This will allow to cooperative sell the domestic agricultural products in foreign markets and, in such manner, to increase the level of exports and GDP of Ukraine, and to provide more effective regulatory influence on market conditions.
ISSN 1818-9806 (Print)