
Agrarian Economics

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No 10 (2016)


2-7 190
Theoretical approaches to determination of types of diversification transformations of productions at the entities of agrarian and industrial complex are researched. The main conditions, prerequisites and factors of creation of the integrated agro-industrial forming are given. The conceptual model of interrelation of diversification of production and agro-industrial integration is proved.
8-13 229
Enhancing the competitiveness of the agrarian sector is one of the key objectives nowadays, especially in the context of growing competition in the markets of the EAEC countries and far abroad. In this regard, first and foremost, the need arises to assess the level of competitiveness of the domestic agriculture. The article considers various methodological approaches that can be used to address this problem. It also provides an algorithm that allows evaluate the competitiveness of the products in the agricultural sector and solve the problem of assessing the level of competitiveness of agricultural products on the basis of statistical data.
14-22 201
The article presents the results of the system analysis of the definitions given in the scientific literature, "strategy", "marketing", "marketing strategy", "integrated formation". Made systematization of conceptual apparatus has allowed to formulate a scientific definition of "marketing strategy" with regard to the functioning of integrated agribusiness groups.
23-29 192
The article describes the results of the factor analysis carried out in relation to the marketing functions of the woodworking and furniture enterprises of the Republic of Belarus. It was found that this activity is not the main most of these structures; focuses on the functions of the unit, focused on improving the efficiency of marketing activity.
30-40 190
In article the essence of products of organic agricultural industry reveals. On the basis of statistical data the short analysis of indicators of a condition of the world market of organic products is carried out, relevance and the economic importance of market grouping of products of organic agricultural industry in Republic of Belarus is proved. The technique of an assessment of potential of organic production of regions is developed.


41-48 226
In practice, broiler poultry are widely used various biologically active additives to enhance the vitality of young birds, increasing the speed adaptation systems and functions of the organism to the environment, and to stimulate growth. Some of these additives are probiotic preparations.


54-60 198
In the article the historical features of transformation process of agricultural sector of Ukraine were considered. There were listed the directions of the state agrarian policy. There was systematized a content of the main stages of the formation of the regulatory environment for business activity. The estimation of legal functioning of existing economic structures in agriculture was made. There was justified the necessity to stimulate the development of small-scale production for the improving of competitiveness of domestic production in terms of European integration. There was made a comparison of favorable institutional business development in Ukraine and other countries.

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ISSN 1818-9806 (Print)