
Agrarian Economics

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No 8 (2016)


18-24 267
At realization of agricultural production, especially in a foreign market, production has to consider requirements of the import countries. If agricultural production is realized in a foreign market, for its reduction changes are made to compliance with normative documents of the countries - importers in the production technology. As danger of foodstuff make a biological, chemical and physical component in foodstuff. They can negatively influence health. Therefore for safety of food products its realization in the market is impossible without existence of the confirmed control system of quality and safety by the principles of HASSP (English Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points). The main directions of introduction of system of quality management and safety of food products are designated. Introduction of system of HACCP means at the enterprise high effective management of processes, economy of financial resources and time.
25-33 265
Based on the analysis of structure of sources of financing investments in fixed capital of agriculture in Belarus in the context of financial situation of agricultural producers and the application of the algorithm comparative evaluation of tax arrangements for harmonization of tax legislation with regard to the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation proposals on improving the taxation and improving the structure of investments in domestic agriculture.
34-49 242
The results of market research of status and trends of the market development of snack products of the Republic of Belarus have been presented in this article. Features of the competitive environment has been considered, foreign trade analysis extrusion snacks and Donuts products has been conducted evaluation of the functioning of the market as the main segment of the Belarusian export has given consumers of snacks and their structure and preferences has been studied. Forecast of market development of the Republic of Belarus for snack products from 2016 to 2020 has been developed.


50-55 308
Dairy subcomplex is one of the most important elements of the product structure of the Belarusian agro-industrial complex, due to the social importance of its products. The economic value of a dairy subcomplex of agricultural organizations is that it provides a stable and uniform-receipts of revenue for the year contributes to the rational use of labor resources, smoothes out seasonal labor use. For the dairy companies to develop and implement effective and efficient management of the supply activity is the basis for its sustainable development. Management decisions in the field of sales are today one of the most important and complex areas of management, contributing to a more rational organization of product distribution. In conditions of market relations, the survival and success of any producers determined by the level of organization in the areas of sales and production. The primary is the sales, and the secondary - manufacturing activity.
56-59 197
In the article the results of research on the parent flock of egg-laying hens on the effectiveness of beak trimming roosters and laying hens to the safety of reproductive qualities of birds. The efficiency of the use of beak trimming of the hens of parental flock together content, allowing you to get on 549,1 thousand or 27,1 USD (in prices of 01.03. 2016) more extra profit from the sale of young stock hens per head parent flock birds.

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ISSN 1818-9806 (Print)