
Agrarian Economics

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No 6 (2023)
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3-17 222

A comprehensive analysis of the development of world trade in meat and meat by-products is presented. The cost and quantitative characteristics of its parameters are given. Structural shifts, key competitors and consumers of meat products have been identified. Measures to protect the domestic trading floors of importing countries are determined, the conditions for access to promising markets are considered. The main factors influencing the development of the export potential of the agrofood complex of animal products are summarized.

18-31 191

Methods for evaluating investment projects and investment activities aimed at the development of industrial and social infrastructure in rural areas are analysed. The main goals and objectives of the subjects of investment activity in their interconnection are determined and systematized. The essence and classification of social infrastructure as an important element of rural development are investigated. A system of indicators of investment activity in rural areas has been developed.

32-40 202

The conceptual basis for the innovative development of enterprises and industries of agroindustrial complex on the basis of the cluster approach is presented. Scientific definitions of the categories "innovative development of agroindustrial complex", "innovative risks in agroindustrial complex" are given. The novelty lies in the justification of the key role of clustering in the context of the development of enterprises and industries of agriculture, as well as the most important factors of innovative development of agriculture.


55-62 170

The priority directions for the formation of a system regulating the production and circulation of seeds in EAEU, as well as in the domestic market, are outlined. The feasibility of its implementation is justified.

63-75 264

Methodological approaches to assessing the nutritional value of fodder crops and the economic efficiency of their use in milk production are considered. The production and economic state of dairy cattle breeding in the agricultural organizations of the country is analyzed. The results and identified patterns of development are used to substantiate indicative reference indicators for the evaluation of feed. A system of indicators of nutritional value and economic efficiency of fodder use has been developed and proposed, a practical approbation of the methodology has been carried out, and an algorithm for assessing the economic efficiency of the production of certain types of grassy fodder has been presented.


76-85 365

The article presents a retrospective analysis of the development of theories of foreign trade, their author’s classification is proposed. The fundamental factors contributing to the activation of export-import relations between countries and regions are identified. The content of traditional factors of the scientific substantiation of foreign trade relations has been expanded.

86-96 239

A deep and comprehensive analysis of the functioning of enterprises and organizations of аgroindustrial complex, ensuring the food security of the Republic of Kazakhstan, was carried out. An assessment is made of the use of existing production capacities involved in the processing of agricultural products, not only for the needs of the domestic market, but also for the export. The competitive advantages and potential opportunities for the effective development of priority sectors of аgroindustrial complex of Kazakhstan are substantiated.

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ISSN 1818-9806 (Print)