
Agrarian Economics

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No 1 (2023)
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3-14 271

The theoretical and methodological apparatus of investment activity has been developed. An analysis was made of models of investment (depending on the role of the state) and innovative development, as well as models of economic growth based on innovation. Nonlinear models for the implementation of the innovation process and types of national innovation models have been studied. The main directions of innovative development of agroindustrial production by areas of activity are identified.

15-26 205

The results of a comprehensive analysis of import purchases of agricultural products and food both in kind and in value terms are presented. The structure of the import basket of the republic and the tendencies of its change in recent years are considered. Commodity positions in the consumer market of Belarus are identified, which are characterized by a high share of imports. The price parameters for the main imported agrifood products are analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the purchase of imported goods in the geographical aspect. The key trends in the development of import purchases of agricultural products of the Republic of Belarus have been identified.

27-37 244

Theoretical provisions of the category “competitiveness” in relation to business entities are considered. An algorithm and methodology for assessing the competitiveness of production in the crop and livestock sectors have been developed, approbation has been carried out according to the data of agricultural organizations in the Vitebsk region.
The analysis of the effectiveness of the use of the resource potential of the subjects of the agrarian sector, the identification of reserves for successful functioning and competitive advantages are aimed at creating conditions for the maximum realization of favorable opportunities for the development of agricultural organizations and regional food subcomplexes.

38-49 539

The article presents the methodology of economic evaluation of the effectiveness of investments in human capital development. The methodology takes into account the specifics of formation and development of human capital in the agricultural sector of the Belarusian economy. This predetermined the need to develop detailed markers that comprehensively take into account the processes of formation, accumulation, capitalization and use of human capital. This methodological approach was tested on statistical data, which confirms its practical orientation. The results obtained testify to the decreasing efficiency of investment in the development of human capital in the agricultural sector of Belarus.

50-57 363

The article reveals the role of digitalization in the development of agricultural production in the Republic of Belarus and ensuring national food security. The main trends in the digital transformation of the agricultural business are identified, the level of penetration of modern information and communication technologies into the main production processes is analyzed; the prospects for the process of digitalization and intellectualization of domestic agriculture are determined in the context of the tasks set by the state and the availability of developments of companies in the field of digitalization of agriculture. Based on statistical data, conclusions were drawn about the possible pace of digital transformation of the agricultural sector. Particular attention is paid to the applications of the Internet of Things technologies, artificial intelligence in precision farming, as well as the best Russian experience in this area.


58-69 257

The current state of the potato industry in the Republic of Belarus in general and the Vitebsk region in particular is analyzed. The main changes in potato production volumes are revealed. An assessment is given to the key factors of the efficiency of production and sale of this crop in the region under consideration.
Specific reserves for increasing the economic efficiency of production and sale of potatoes in large agricultural organizations of the Vitebsk region are considered. The necessity of introducing innovative projects in the potato growing industry to increase profitability (reduce unprofitability) in these farms is substantiated.

70-83 271

The current state of the main branches of animal husbandry and the grain crops production, including the corn cultivation for grain, is reviewed, using the example of agricultural organizations in the Vitebsk region. The efficiency of using grain for fodder purposes was analyzed, taking into account the sales prices dynamics and profit margin, the ranking was made according to the yield of feed units per 1 hectare of grain crops and their cost. The most suitable for the region conditions culture has been selected and the factors influencing fluctuations in its yield have been determined.


84-92 421

The main trends and factors that influenced changes in socio-economic indicators, including healthcare and housing construction, are revealed. The main indicators of the agricultural sector development and trends of urbanization are considered. The scientific research on the reasons for non-fulfillment of certain planned indicators are analyzed. The results of the study allowed us to identify a number of stages in the rural areas development in Belarus during the second half of the 20th century and give their inherent characteristics.

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ISSN 1818-9806 (Print)