
Agrarian Economics

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No 2 (2019)


2-7 236
International experience of transition from the policy of stimulation of potential of growth of all regions to the policy of indemnification business and population of backward regions stipulated the necessity of typification of national agricultural territories for transformation of compensative mechanism to the backward regions. It is exposed, that heterogeneity of rural territories is hampered by determination of sufficient volumes of state help rural development. It is set that participating of rural population in the nonfarm types of economy extends functional possibilities of rural territories. It is suggested to conduct the estimation of degree of realization of their functions rural territories by means of complex and base statistical indexes taking into account the features of agricultural territories on the basis of their typification. Economic indicators which reflect the degree of realization of functions rural territories are offered. Financial preferencii, given coming from the expected indexes, will be correlated with the type of rural territory and guarantee execution of state standards of life of villagers.
27-32 190
The research materials present a corporate analysis of the development of agribusiness clustering, which allows not only to identify the problems of agro-industrial production, requiring a systemic solution, but also to establish specific forms and mechanisms for the creation and functioning of the most effective cooperative-integration structures, primarily cluster associations.
33-39 167
The article reflects the results of the study of the essence of the content of the concept of a logistic approach as an organizational and economic category. The analysis and critical assessment of existing approaches to the interpretation of the category of «logistic approach» in the scientific and practical aspects, and also identified and systematized the composition and relationship of the main elements of its methodological content. Refined variants of interpretation of the concept «logistic approach» in the narrow and broad sense are proposed.
40-50 195
Recommendations about efficiency increase of seeds in corn productive subcomplex that include the complex and grouping analysis of the key productive and economic indicators of cultivation of corn on grain are presented in the article; reasonable system of effectiveness ratio of seeds use; the offered general and specific regional features of cultivation of corn on grain and rated level of their influence on efficiency of corn seeds use; comparative characteristic of productive and economic indicators of corn cultivation on grain in different groups of farms; perspective model of interrelation of participants of temporary associations of corn productive subcomplex.


51-60 227
The article presents the economic efficiency of using different forms of ammonium sulphate (fine crystalline, granulated, granulated with hydrohumate plant growth regulator) and polynutrient fertilizers with sulfur, boron and copper in the cultivation of potatoes, onions and cabbage on sod-podzolic friable sandy soil. It shows the effect of fertilizers on yield, product quality, production costs for their cultivation, the cost of 1 ton of products, net income and profitability.
61-67 2235
Cellular as fur farming is a relatively young branch of agriculture. Its roots come from one of the oldest branches of economy-hunting wild animals. In a relatively short period of its existence the fur farming as agriculture industry, has achieved significant results in the domestication of fur-bearing animals. This article gives an analysis of the successful development of fur farming in the world, especially in the countries of the European Union. Along with this, the Belarusian fur farming so far cannot reach the level of the year 1991 in the number of wild fur-bearing animals. Thus, in 1991 year, livestock basic herd females fur-bearing animals was 215,9-thousand heads, but on January 1, 2018 year - 194 thousand heads. Decreased production of pelts and fur animals if in 2008 year production cell of furs in the Republic of Belarus amounted to 940 thousand pelts, in the year 2017 - 600 thousand.In the work of the noted the need to improve the technology of feeding animals, the introduction of mechanization and automation of technological processes in order to reduce production costs. A model of farm animal breeding development in close cooperation with the existing farms and research centers. According to the authors this will in the coming 5 years to double production cell of furs and reach millions of frontier production in the Republic of Belarus, thus fully meet the needs of the internal market.

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ISSN 1818-9806 (Print)