No 9 (2018)
23-31 224
Increased competition in the food market dictates the need for enterprises to improve the quality of products. In article the technique of justification of the selling price of meat production depending on its quality is offered. The improved economic and mathematical model of the program of development of the processing enterprise, allows proving rational use of raw materials, to carry out optimization of volumes of production and realization of production for the purpose of increase of final results of managing on the basis of growth of quality and competitiveness of production.
32-42 201
One of the effective methods for assessing the efficiency of export of enterprises of the food industry is the DEA-analysis. It allows you to determine the effectiveness of the organization in comparison with others, to find and develop ways to improve, and all this is based on the fact that if one company can function with high efficiency, then others are able to do this. The efficiency of export-oriented food industry enterprises is calculated in the article and potential reserves of growth of added value and sales of products to foreign markets for inefficient organizations are revealed on its basis.
43-57 226
58-70 222
The system analysis of the classification of factors of competitiveness reviewed in economic literature is conducted. Main groups of factors are revealed that influence competitiveness of grain-harvesters. The factors forming each group are defined. Assessment of the character of influence of factors from groups “constructive”, “production” and “operational” is given.
ISSN 1818-9806 (Print)