
Agrarian Economics

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No 3 (2018)


19-30 313
The article is devoted to the identification of problems in the formation of the pricing mechanism in the agricultural sector of Belarus in conditions of deepening international economic integration and substantiation of the main methodological approaches for their overcoming. As the main method of stabilizing prices and maintaining the profitability of rural commodity producers through market regulators proposed to use procurement and commodity interventions. At the same time, the proposed approaches are based on the existing legislative framework, which allows for procurement and commodity interventions in the agricultural sector of Belarus, as well as the experience of the Russian Federation as the main trade and economic partner. Considering the need to attract private capital to the mechanism of interventions, authors, along with the actors involved in the intervention process, an active participation in this scheme of an additional entity - agent (operator), as well as insurance companies. The article substantiates the main functions of all subjects of the intervention process, criteria for selecting products, and also methodical approaches to the definition of minimum and maximum prices. Practical testing of the developed recommendations on the actual data of agricultural organizations of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus showed, that the application of procurement interventions using the cost method of determining the minimum price will receive an additional 800 million rubles in profit.
31-41 847
The article proposes a system of measures to increase the efficiency of marketing agricultural products in the context of the development of integration processes. The directions for strengthening the coordinated agro-industrial policy of the Eurasian Economic Union, improving financial mechanisms in agriculture, forming demand and stimulating the export of agricultural products in the domestic and foreign markets are substantiated. Mechanisms for the development of interstate cooperation and the formation of an integrated commodity exchange market for agricultural products have been developed and tested.
42-50 201
Methodological approaches the balanced development of mutual Belarus trade of agricultural and food products with the member States of the EAEU are developed, which include the definition of objectives and the interpretation of the concept of “balance”, the evaluation method and algorithm of forming the optimal trade between countries. Assessing balance is based on a systematic approach of calculation of the three groups of indicators: efficiency of import-export operations, the movement of commodity trade, the provision of the domestic food market.
51-59 202
The article describes historical stages of development of logistics (pre-industrial, industrial, postindustrial). It justifies modern approaches to determining the economic nature and the purpose of logistics in the agricultural sector. Summarizes the scientific concepts of formation of logistical system of agricultural products and foodstuffs, providing increased reliability of delivery to the distribution networks, the level of satisfaction of needs of consumers of agricultural products, stable functioning of economic entities and agricultural industries.


60-68 349
The main trends in the spheres of production and sale of food, beverages and tobacco by domestic processors are analyzed. In the process of research methods monographic, abstract-logical methods, comparative analysis, logical and expert estimates were used. The main factors of the dynamic growth in the efficiency indicators of the food industry are the intensive renovation of fixed assets, leading to increased productivity and increased capacity utilization, as well as a steady demand for Belarusian foodstuffs on foreign markets, which determines the significant dependence of revenues and production volumes of sectoral structures on world prices.

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ISSN 1818-9806 (Print)