No 9 (2017)
21-31 207
The organisation of agroindustrial manufacture on the basis of integration forms of managing has priority value in agrarian sphere. In article the basic preconditions promoting creation of the vertically-integrated grocery companies are formulated, the basic advantages of such companies in comparison with activity of the enterprises «one technological stage» are revealed and taking into account it the model постадийного integration interaction of subjects of managing within the limits of the large grocery companies is developed.
32-38 198
In the article the proposed method of assessing the opportuneness of the administrative regions for agricultural production.
39-47 197
The article deals with the problems and characteristics of determining the cost of 1 m3 of water in agricultural organizations, and analysed the relationship between the owners of water supply systems and specialised enterprises or organizations when performing maintenance work to ensure a continuous supply of the required quality of water in an amount sufficient to cost effectively. The authors developed four alternative organizational models for the operation of water supply systems and proposed a methodology for calculating the cost of water for agricultural organizations in order to create a unified approach to the calculation of water supply costs and to search for savings reserves based on existing features of the organisation of operation of such water supply systems in the Republic of Belarus. An economic-mathematical model that includes the objective function and a system of restrictions in order to optimize the choice for the water supply system of the best organizational model of operation and minimize the costs of water supply was developed.
Aleksander Shpak,
Lidia Baigot,
Sviatlana Kandratsenka,
Andrei Pilipuk,
Yaraslau Brechka,
Anna Bashko,
Natallia Chaplianskaya,
Aliaksandr Sharenka,
Liudmila Kuzmich,
Liudmila Labanava
48-60 284
The current state of fruit and vegetables subcomplex of the Republic of Belarus is considered in the article, the main development tendencies as domestic market and in the countries of EAEU are revealed. The main problems of production, processing and foreign trade activity of fruit and vegetables subcomplex are established. The expected development parameters of the market and trade in fruits and berries are determined.
61-68 229
The retrospective dynamic of Ukrainian grains and oilseeds prices is given in the article. The suggestions about avoiding low domestic price have been proposed including the analysis of main price volatility factors (export dynamics and high interest rate).
ISSN 1818-9806 (Print)