
Agrarian Economics

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No 7 (2017)


2-16 539
The article examines trends and directions in the development of the agroindustrial complex of the Republic of Belarus. Problems in plant growing, animal husbandry, financial and personnel policy of agricultural organizations are identified. The effectiveness of measures of state support of the agrarian sector and structural transformations in the agroindustrial complex is estimated. The necessary measures are made to increase the efficiency of foreign trade in agricultural products and foodstuffs of Belarus.
17-25 434
There are given definition of innovation in agricultural sector, identified the main problems innovation development of Belarusian agricultural production at the present stage, shown the most important ways of their solution in the article. It considers the basic perspective directions of innovative development of Belarusian agroindustrial complex, organizational and economic methods of achieving them, the ways of improvement of investment provision of innovations.
26-31 152
This article considers the problem of inconsistency and unprofitableness of agricultural enterprises. For its solution it is necessary to introduce the registration-analytical maintenance of the program for their financial improvement. We offer a complex indicator allowing to characterize the efficient use of the organization's means under conditions of realizing the program of financial improvement.
32-37 190
In the article the structural shifts in the production of gross and commodity resources of potatoes, vegetables, fruits, meat, and their influence on the volume of purchases of agricultural products by consumer cooperative organizations have been studied in recent years. Organizational and economic measures are proposed aimed at further development and improvement of relationships with individual producers of agricultural products, which contribute to increasing the efficiency of its output and increasing the volume of purchases by consumer cooperation organizations.


38-46 174
Agronomic and economic efficiency of lime means (dolomite meal, defecation mud, phosphorus gypsum) in action and aftereffect are given in this article. The effect of lime means (2011-2016) on crop rotation productivity, annual production expenses, net income and profit in agricultural crops cultivation on degradated peat soils is shown.


47-57 550
The article reveals the essence of the organic farming products market, articulates the strategic advantages of its development, and provides a brief analysis of the state of the basic indicators of the state of the world market of organic products. The necessity of legislative support of the given agricultural direction and state participation in the process of formation and development of the market of organic agro-food products is substantiated.


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ISSN 1818-9806 (Print)