The work examines nonlinear models of the innovation process (triple helix model and four-link helix model). The experience of the USA, EU, UK and Brazil in cooperation between science and the real sector of the economy in conducting scientific research and commercializing their results is presented. The features of the functioning of innovative venture funds founded by international agri-food corporations have been studied. In conclusion, directions for using promising foreign experience in the Republic of Belarus are proposed.
Nowadays the domestic agroindustrial complex is faced with a number of new challenges, so the institutional mechanism of its digital transformation in general and its management in particular needs a phased restructuring and adaptation to changing economic conditions. In the context of current trends in digitalization of agroindustrial complex management, directions for its development have been determined; the key components of its institutional mechanism at the present stage are highlighted. The results of the study can be used by agricultural authorities at all levels.
The results of a study on determining the parameters of budget financing of agricultural production in the regional economy of the agroindustrial complex are presented. At the same time, their target levels are calculated based on the conditions of production and business: climatic, socio-economic, organizational and administrative. The proposals can be used by government agencies in the formation of a regional agrarian financing policy, and by business entities in setting target levels of commercial activity indicators.
The main directions of fodder production development according to the state agrarian policy are determined. The dependence between fodder supply and the number of animals is revealed. The level of forage production intensification is determined taking into account the volume of organic and mineral fertilizers application for fodder crops and the amount of machinery in agricultural organizations. The significance of cultivation of high-protein crops as a promising direction of increasing the efficiency of fodder production is substantiated.
The paper presents the results of studying the productivity of stubble cruciferous crops and their impact on the yield of the subsequent crop in crop rotation. It was established that when cultivating stubble white mustard feed units yield was 16.9 c/ha and oil radish – 17.6 c/ha. Under their influence the grain yield of subsequent barley increased by 3.0 c/ha (8.1 %) on average and maize grain – by 1.8 c/ha (2.6 %). When cultivating white mustard the net income was 17.71 rubles/ha and profitability – 2.8 %, with oil radish it was 24.11 rubles/ha and 3.6 %. Taking into account their effect on the subsequent crop in rotation, those indicators increased and were 139.00 and 105.90 rubles/ha (21.2 and 15.8 %).
The features and trends of quality and safety regulation system for food and agricultural products in the EU are identified. Key stages of its development and the main strategic documents in above mention area are determined. Analysis of the goals and methods of European regulation policy of the agri-food products quality and safety has been carried out.
A comprehensive analysis of the regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Belarus regarding support for the export of agricultural and food products is presented, and issues of organizational and financial measures are considered in detail. Current tools for stimulating exports are proposed for implementation in domestic practice to support enterprises exporting agri-food products in the context of international requirements and taking into account current trends in the world market.