
Agrarian Economics

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No 4 (2024)
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3-16 146

Approaches to defining the concept of “energy efficiency” are analyzed and the author’s classification is made. The essence of the definition of “energy efficiency of food production” is substantiated, reflecting current guidelines and specific features of energy use in the technological chain of production of agricultural products, raw materials and food products. Industry specific features of food production that affect energy efficiency are presented.

17-27 114

The article presents methodological approaches to assessing the efficiency of economic entities in agriculture on the basis of cost­effectiveness assessment. The article presents the methodology for assessing the cost­effectiveness of agricultural production, including a system of indicators that form the basis for calculating the complex multiplicative index of cost­effectiveness, the algorithm of its calculation, as well as the approbation of the developed approaches. The results of calculations for the republic as a whole made it possible to assess the cost efficiency of agricultural production in 2018–2022, as well as to identify regions with different levels of cost efficiency. The use of the proposed approaches makes it possible to objectively assess the possibilities of economic entities to effectively use costs and to develop measures of agricultural policy, differentiated by regions and aimed at improving the efficiency of activities.

28-35 113

In a market economy, agricultural organizations are faced with the influence of internal and external factors that create crisis situations, which, in turn, can lead to bankruptcy. At the same time, a management system built on the basis of budgeting makes it possible to identify risks at an early stage and minimize them, carry out current and strategic financial planning, quickly determine reserves for increasing income and reducing expenses, and effectively combine the use of own and borrowed resources (including in conditions of their limitation), increase employee motivation. Theoretical aspects of organizing the budgeting system in agricultural organizations and the possibility of using it to overcome crisis situations are considered.


55-66 124

The article presents an assessment of the production and economic indicators of vegetable cultivation in Belarus in the context of their types, a grouping analysis of indicators for the cultivation of vegetables of protec ted soil is carried out, a price cross-section in the consumer market is studied. It was revealed that in agricultural organizations there is no stable tendency to increase the efficiency of vegetable cultivation, which is associated with the price situation.

67-76 108

Theoretical aspects of organizing business processes of livestock complexes in the context of building a budgeting system for automation and digitalization of production are considered. The novelty of the results is expressed in the coverage and systematization of general, specific and special principles for the formation of business processes for management. A system for classifying business processes is proposed.

77-87 234

The volumes of global production of eggs and poultry meat, as well as domestic consumption, are analyzed. Information is provided on the export of poultry products and the largest enterprises in the industry.


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ISSN 1818-9806 (Print)