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Analysis of the process of formation of the European Union food market conjuncture


The article analyzes the situation in the EU food market. The study includes the following analysis elements: general characteristics of the EU and the Common Agricultural Policy; research of the dairy, meat and grain segments of the food market; study of the role of organic agriculture in food sector revenues. Consumer attention is paid to the impact of Russian retaliatory sanctions on the market environment. The study of segments is carried out on the basis of the analysis of prices and balances for dairy and meat products, grain. The dynamics of production, export-import operations, food consumption, the dynamics of food stocks and the level of food self-sufficiency in the EU is analyzed. The paper identifies factors restricting the export of Belarusian food products and offers recommendations for improving the foreign economic activity of Belarus in the EU food market.

About the Author

Viktor Sushko
Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno


1. World Economic Outlook Database [Электронный ресурс] // International Monetary Fund. - Режим доступа: - Дата доступа: 30.11.2019.

2. Annual population [Электронный ресурс] // Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). - Режим доступа: - Дата доступа: 30.11.2019.

3. The common agricultural policy at a glance [Электронный ресурс] // European Commission. - Режим доступа: - Дата доступа: 30.11.2019.

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5. EU balance sheet [Электронный ресурс] // European Commission. - Режим доступа: - Дата доступа: 30.11.2019.

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7. Detailed trade matrix [Электронный ресурс] // Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). - Режим доступа: - Дата доступа: 30.11.2019.

8. Beef EU historical series [Электронный ресурс] // European Commission. - Режим доступа: - Дата доступа: 30.11.2019.

9. Pigmeat statistics [Электронный ресурс] // European Commission. - Режим доступа: - Дата доступа: 30.11.2019.

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15. Statistics [Электронный ресурс] // European Commission. - Режим доступа: - Дата доступа: 30.11.2019.


For citations:

Sushko V. Analysis of the process of formation of the European Union food market conjuncture. Agrarian Economics. 2020;(2):12-28. (In Russ.)

Views: 321

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ISSN 1818-9806 (Print)