The goals and objectives of the cluster “Precision Farming” at the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, the procedure for the functioning of its management bodies (general meeting, head and expert council of the cluster) were determined. The composition of precision farming technologies, available blocks, management and sales has been studied. Assumptions about the development in the field of precision farming, especially organizations of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.
The global economy is experiencing turbulence caused by sanctions and various kinds of restrictions, in connection with which the traditional chains of production and marketing of goods and services have been disrupted, many companies are becoming bankrupt. At the same time, business entities are beginning to truly understand the importance of cooperation and integration, and in these difficult conditions they are trying to more actively interact with other participants in market relations in order to overcome competition and sanctions.
It has been established that clusters are currently a promising form of interaction between enterprises and organizations. Their capabilities allow us to withstand competition and increase production and sales volumes, enter new markets. To improve the efficiency of functioning of cluster structures, a number of directions have been proposed – optimization of cost, material and technical base of production, labor and material costs for production. Accounting for each of them in direct interaction with each other will make it possible to form in practice the appropriate mechanisms that give clusters advantages over competitors.
Factors were identified that determine the characteristics of the production and marketing activities of agroindustrial organizations at each stage of the value chain. А set of measures was developed to support the production and promotion of domestic food products to domestic and foreign markets, including tools for financial, economic, organizational, information and communication, regulatory and production and technological impact.
The article describes agricultural plants as an economic category participating in the production cycle as the main subject and means of labor. The specific feature of plant objects participating in the production cycle is revealed, taking into account the impact on them of man-made and natural factors that change in space and time during the growing season. Cultivated plants are presented as one of the material resources in crop production, subject to moral and material deterioration. Variety changes and variety renewals are considered as an innovative process that provides for overcoming the consequences of this wear. The necessity and economic significance of these processes are emphasized. The relationship between the frequency of replacement and renewal of the variety with the degree of realization by the variety (hybrid) of their biological and economic potential realized in the production process is noted. The importance of plant potential management in terms of adaptation to climate change is reflected.
The necessity of diagnostics of motivation of personnel in organizations of the food industry is substantiated. The dominant role of motivating internal motives that determine the general orientation of the employee’s labor behavior is indicated. Methods and methods of diagnostics of motivation of personnel are considered. A method of complex diagnostics of staff motivation has been developed in accordance with the typological model, factors and age characteristics of motivation to work. The factors of staff motivation are systematized and the methodology for determining the integral level of motivation is improved. The analysis of the influence of age-related aspects on the labor behavior of personnel is carried out. The dominant motivational types of employees of the organizations of the food industry are revealed.
On the territory of radioactive contamination, in the system of measures aimed at reducing the uptake of radionuclides by livestock products, a large place is occupied by the methods of introducing cesium-binding sorbents into the diets. However, the disadvantage of their use is the lack of the local production in Belarus.
The article discusses the radiological and economic efficiency of the caesium-137 sorbent of the Belarusian origin. It has been established that the Belarusian-made enterosorbent in the diet of rabbits at a dose of 2 g/head, 4 g/head and in the diet of bulls at a dose 40 g/head is 1,4, 2,6 and 1,15 times respectively more effective than pure ferrocine. Starting from the 5th to the 20th day of using the carbon sorbent, there is a decrease in the content of cesium-137 in the milk of cows from 1,7 to 4,5 times.
The cost per 1 thousand Bq of the difference in the accumulation of cesium-137 in rabbit meat in case of the Belarusian sorbent at a dose of 2 g/head by 7,6 times lower in comparison with ferrocine, at a dose of 4 g/head by 4,0 times, in beef by 5,5 times, in milk by 5,2 times lower.
The features of the European practice of normative regulation of the quality of agrifood products by the marketing standards are determined. EU geographical indications system as a tool for quality regulation are disclosed.