
Agrarian Economics

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No 5 (2022)
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3-13 291

Рresents the results of an assessment of the digital transformation of the agroindustrial complex of the Republic of Belarus in the context of the use of innovative digital technologies and substantiates the directions of digital development.

53-58 243

The article presents a characteristic of the agroindustrial complex of the Republic of Belarus, identifies key problems of its development, the role of pre­trial rehabilitation is indicated and proposed directions for the financial recovery of agricultural organizations.


59-85 224

A conceptual model has been developed for increasing the efficiency of intensification based on the balanced development of the livestock and fodder industries, a methodology for establishing reserves for the growth of production and sales proceeds. Scientific and practical recommendations for the level of economic entities on the development of programs for thdevelopment of agricultural production, an algorithm for their implementation, a strategy for the formation and strengthening of competitive advantages are presented. As part of improving the methodological tools for studying the processes of agricultural intensification, a set of scientific and methodological approaches has been developed to substantiate the level of development and efective intensification of livestock breeding.

86-94 310

Organizational schemes of gathering, recycling and processing of a plastic waste of agricultural production in Belarus are analysed. Their basic lacks are revealed. The new organizational-functional business model of processing of a waste of plastic is ofered. It is focused on development in republic of the circulating economy directed on use of a plastic waste in the form of secondary raw materials, the organisation of their reuse, minimisation of consumption of new natural resources and maintenance of ecological safety of environment.


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ISSN 1818-9806 (Print)