
Agrarian Economics

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No 4 (2022)
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3-14 311

The main directions of price regulation on the agrofood market of the Republic of Belarus are presented. The financial and economic situation of agricultural organizations, as well as food industry enterprises and retailers involved in the production and delivery of the finished product to the consumer through the prism of the transformation of the state pricing policy is analyzed. The results of a comparative assessment of the effectiveness of their functioning are reflected.

15-25 273

The article presents the results of a scientific study on the development of recommendations for the development of a marketing system for agricultural products, taking into account world experience. The advantages of sales logistics have been substantiated through the formation of an effective organizational and economic model of the agrologistic system, the quality and complexity of the provision of logistics services, the expansion of outsourcing, e-commerce, advertising and exhibition and information and communication technologies.

26-31 290

The article reveals the content of closed and open innovation models, their main advantages and disadvantages during implementation into production. The particular features of “commercialization” definitions are analyzed as well as the interpretation of the thesis “commercialization of the results of scientific and scientific-technical activities” in modern conditions is substantiated.


32-46 411

The features of the vegetable seeds market are presented, taking into account the selected models of seed production development at the level of a country. The field of state regulation of the seed market and the vegetable seed industry is substantiated, including a scheme for implementing a stable market position, principles and instruments of state regulation for market entities, etc. Emphasis is placed on the expediency of introducing price mechanisms to support farmers, variant calculations of profit changes due to cheaper cost of seeds and levels of payments in the form of subsidies (allowances) to the price in the context of types of open-ground vegetable production are given.

47-59 300

The fundamental production indicators of the state of the poultry industry in all categories of farms of the republic for a 5-year period (2016–2020) are analyzed. The main indicators characterizing the work of the egg poultry industry are studied on the example of the production unitary enterprise “Poultry Farm Orshanskaya” of the Vitebsk region. According to the reporting data of this agricultural organization, proposals have been developed for calculating and evaluating labor productivity based on net products (gross income, value added). At the same time, the cost indicators are adjusted for the basic consumer price indices. The main economic and financial indicators of egg poultry farming in agricultural organizations of Belarus are analyzed. The conclusions aimed at significantly activating the work of Belarusian poultry farms are presented.


63-79 287

Market access is subject to international jurisdiction within the World Trade Organization and means the conditions, tariff and non-tariff measures agreed by members for the entry of certain goods into their markets. The article studies and systematizes methodological approaches to the classification of requirements for access of agricultural products to markets used in world practice. The scientific and practical features of taking into account non-tariff measures of regulation in foreign trade are highlighted. The author’s classification is proposed and the requirements for agricultural products for access to potential foreign markets are substantiated.

80-87 300

The article presents the results of a scientific study on the provision of state assistance to agricultural organizations in the field of lending. The experience of the USA in the creation and functioning of a system of lending to farms, including in the context of the financial crisis, has been studied. The activity of the Asset Management Agency as an institution for restructuring bad debts in Belarus is analyzed. Taking into account world practice, promising directions have been developed to reduce the credit burden of agricultural organizations of the republic.

88-96 379

The restoration, reconstruction and development of agriculture, as well as other sectors of the economy on the lands that have been under the control of Armenia for many years, is one of the main tasks facing Azerbaijan. The article assesses the agricultural potential of the liberated areas, identifies the vectors of restoration and development of agriculture, justifies the development of new directions of production in the agricultural sector along with traditional ones, and also predicts the expected production indicators in these areas.

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ISSN 1818-9806 (Print)