
Agrarian Economics

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No 2 (2022)
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52-61 253

The results of a study of the legal framework for classifying territories as unfavorable for agricultural production in the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation are presented. Differences in approaches to characterization, assessment methods, terms for updating the list of such territories, the composition of indicators and criteria that are used when classifying territories as unfavorable for agricultural production are highlighted. Directions for harmonization of the legislation of the countries – members of the Union State in this matter are determined.


52-70 402

А systematic analysis of the terms “corporation” and “state corporation” is carried out, examples of the functioning of similar structures in the Russian Federation and far abroad are given. The advantages of uniting large manufacturers of agricultural machinery within the framework of a state corporation are revealed. It is proposed to create a foreign trade organization of the “Traktorexport” association type (USSR). The activities of such a company will be aimed at complete supplies of Belarusian agricultural equipment to the countries of the near and far abroad for the implementation of production technologies for the vast majority of agricultural field crops grown in Europe and Asia.

71-84 540

A diagram of fodder production and the use of feed and a schematic diagram of the organization of the procurement of feed raw materials and its processing are given. A steady positive dynamics of indicators of key types of livestock products from 2014 to 2020 is noted and the process of changes in agricultural production (crop and livestock production) during this period is considered. The main indicators of feed production for 2020–2025 are presented. and factors affecting the economic efficiency of the industry

85-93 379

The scientific article analyzes the world experience and trends in the development of the beekeeping industry, as well as the state and prospects of the industry in the Republic of Belarus. Topical directions of more complete use of the potential of the beekeeping industry in solving economic, environmental and social problems of ensuring the effective functioning and sustainable development of the agroindustrial complex of the Republic of Belarus have been substantiated.


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ISSN 1818-9806 (Print)