The article examines the theoretical aspects of the valuation of human capital. The main methodological principles of its quantitative analysis are considered and their critical analysis is given. Based on the study of scientific and information sources, the fundamental principles that determine the approaches to the valuation of human capital are formulated. The methodological scheme of the analysis, assessment and monitoring of human capital, taking into account the functional features of the development of the agricultural sector, is presented. A methodological approach to the quantitative assessment of human capital in the agroindustrial complex is proposed and tested, based on the conceptual foundations of the theory of human capital and at the same time characterized by the relative simplicity of calculations, as well as the availability of statistical information. The analysis of the ratio of physical and human forms of capital in the agroindustrial complex is carried out and the assessment of the existing innovative shifts is given.
The formation of an effective national agroindustrial complex in the conditions of the formation of market relations is an objective process that reflects the requirements of the entire system of economic laws and a set of regularity. The article highlights and substantiates scientific approaches to defining the essence of the categories “subcomplex” and “foodsubcomplex”. In this context, an improved functional and sectoral structure of the potato subcomplex is proposed and the methodological foundations of its effective functioning in the food supply system are systematized.
The article considers a methodology for a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of investments in the rural social infrastructure, which includes 2 alternative approaches to assessing (point and integral) the socio-economic development of a territory (district or region) by 4 blocks of indicators, followed by determining the level of efficiency of investments in it using 2 calculation coefficients (investment return and investment capacity). The direction of possible practical application of this technique is indicated.