
Agrarian Economics

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No 12 (2019)
4-8 240
Based on the results of the research, the theoretical foundations for clustering the economy of the agro-industrial complex were developed. It has been established that clusters at the present stage of development are promising forms of organization of various business entities that allow integration into international economic processes and achieve their goals. The cluster approach allows to create the optimal order of relationships (direct and inverse economic relations), which makes it possible to receive profit equivalent to costs to all members of the association. In addition, it has been established that it is advisable to unite in clusters precisely those structures that see efficiency in cooperation and aim at obtaining added value through active participation in creating the final competitive product.
9-17 203
The article presents the results of studies of existing approaches of the category «product-specific support», methodological approaches to the provision of product-specific support and assessment of its level.
18-24 259
A study of the economic literature on the problems of clustering was carried out, on the basis of which it was found that the development of theoretical and scientific-methodological foundations of economic restructuring on cluster principles abroad, including in Russia, has been given priority. This required the development of an appropriate theoretical framework for the conditions of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Belarus. In this regard, the general principles of AIC clustering were worked out; the existing experience was analyzed, where the characteristics of the implementation parameters of cluster technologies were given; favorable and adverse effects of clustering were established.
25-35 225
The article deals with the development and scientific substantiation of the main aspects of the organizational and economic mechanism of increasing the economic efficiency of the use of arable land at the level of agricultural organizations.
36-47 193
The article presents the author’s definition of corporate risk and highlights the most significant corporate risks of dairy processing organizations in the main areas of current, financial and investment activities in order to reflect them in the accounting system of reserves and contingent liabilities, as well as in the notes to the accounting (financial) statements and explanations to them. A complex of off-balance sheet accounts was formed to reflect information on changes in the value of accounting objects in the system of contingent liabilities for property risks and the forms of analytical registers in the form of information reflecting information on the effects of corporate risks on the results of financial and economic activities of the dairy processing organization of the agro-industrial complex were proposed. The structure of management and accounting (financial) statements is supplemented with the forms: “Disclosure of data on corporate risks”, containing quantitative and qualitative information on the organization’s exposure to risks.
48-54 266
The results of studies on the economic efficiency of growing potatoes on the principles of organic farming, as well as the biochemical parameters of the tubers of this crop are presented. The maximum levels of profit and profitability were provided in the version with the use of vermigumus and biological products bitoxibacillin, bactofit, ecosil. The profit margin (depending on the variety) amounted to 5883-8065 USD/ha with a profitability level of 116.4-157.0%, which is respectively 523-1185 USD/ha and 21.3-34.3% more than when using traditional growing technology. Unlike the latter, the production of potatoes according to the principles of organic farming contributes to an increase in the dry matter content by an average of 0.1-0.7%, starch by 0.1-0.5%, vitamin C by 0.6-0.9 mg%, amino acids for the varieties Lilea and Ragneda - respectively by 8.13 g/kg (+11.9%) and6.56 g/kg (+9.4%), a decrease in nitrate content by 36.2-44.6 mg/kg, radionuclides - by 1.3 Bq/kg.
55-61 219
The article summarizes the experience of the European Union countries in the preparation and implementation of state programs for the development of rural tourism. A set of internal and external factors, as well as organizational and economic models for improving the functioning of the tourism industry at the national level, is determined. The goals and objectives, perspective directions of the formation of a common European concept of rural tourism development are systematized.

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ISSN 1818-9806 (Print)