
Agrarian Economics

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No 5 (2019)


2-9 1142
A prerequisite for sustainable economic development of Belarus is the promotion of social inclusion with a transition to a more ecologically oriented transformation of the economy.
10-18 249
The article presents the conditions for access to the markets of third countries of the Belarusian agri-food products. The analysis of the mechanisms of regulation of foreign economic activity is presented. The main barriers to the access of domestic products to the markets of importing countries are identified. The influence of tariff and non-tariff regulation on the diversification of exports of agri-food products in Belarus has been determined.
19-26 293
On the basis of the identified trends and key problems of the organic production the proposals for the use of the potential of the Republic of Belarus for the organization of this activity, taking into account the best foreign experience are made in the article; the conclusions about the reasonableness of state support for the organic production in the country are developed, the experience of state support for the development of the organic agriculture in European countries is described.
27-35 170
The article examines and analyzes the development trends of the world livestock market, and also describes the current organizational and economic mechanism of the breeding livestock market in the Republic of Belarus, on the basis of which the main directions of its development, constraints and ways to overcome them are highlighted.


36-47 248
The paper proposed a set of measures and directions of the balanced development of cattle breeding and fodder production to ensure effective interaction and stable functioning of industries based on the use of natural and resource, production and human potentials, the realization of competitive advantages and strategy of advancing the development of regional specialization, investment and innovation. The proposed model of assessment of balanced development of the established indicators and indicators of the efficiency of industries will determine the direction of improving the efficiency of production and economic potential of the regions.


56-64 184
The main directions for the development of the agrarian sector of the Ukrainian economy have been substantiated in the article, based on the propspects for the entry into force of the Assosiation Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union. Gradual creation of free trading zone is foreseen by the Agreement, which is stipulated the activization of export of domestic agrarian and food production in the countries of European Union. The advantages and disadvantages of positions of ukrainian agricultural goods on the European Union markets was analyzed; the mechanizm of tariff quoting, which applies to most of the export-oriented products, was considered; the set of measures for adaptation of sertification and quality of agrarian products to the system of technical regulation of European Union have been grounded.


65-70 306
In the process of conducting external and internal analysis of the industry, the strengths and weaknesses of agro-ecotourism were assessed. The study of the possibilities and threats of the internal and external environment of the considered sphere allowed us to determine the prospects for its further development and growth.

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ISSN 1818-9806 (Print)