
Agrarian Economics

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No 1 (2019)


2-9 210
A sustainable development strategy is a key factor in the development of a modern enterprise. The concept itself has long gone beyond economicsecology, having been transformed into a more complex system. Formation of the strategy should be carried out at a standardized stage, and the final result will be a readymade model «target tree».
13-22 217
The article analyzes complex level of logistic potential in the sales system of agricultural products in the domestic market. Trends and factors influencing the efficiency of functioning of the subjects of the logistics, wholesale and exchange markets of the Republic of Belarus are revealed. The directions of introduction of logistics methods and strategies ensuring the optimization of commodity flows in the market of agricultural products.
23-38 213
Studying technique of fuel and energy expense resources and their detailed carrying out of analysis by agricultural production including the indicators system of resources and material expense and monetary costs of fuel and energy resources for agriculture in general, crop production and livestock production branches, separate types of production are presented in the article; the definition algorithm of fuel and energy resources expense by production types on the basis of the following methods: coefficients way, allocation of costs way that is proportional to evidencebase, synthesis, etc.; accounting features of material resources when determining prime cost of concrete type of agricultural production; correction coefficients of fuel and energy resources expense depending on factors of the internal and external environment.
39-47 237
The analysis of the situation which has developed in Belarus on the existing disparity of prices for products of agricultural branch allows to note that at the present stage of economic development of the republic the applied ways of ensuring parity development of agriculture still haven’t allowed to bring branch to profitable work. In article the directions of improvement of the mechanism of alignment of disparity of the prices of industrial and agricultural output which will help to minimize consequences from disparity of the prices in the agrarian sector of Belarus are offered.
48-56 165
The article presents an analysis of the main indicators of financial stability of agricultural organizations of the Republic of Belarus, as well as the need for the use of agricultural insurance to ensure the efficiency and stability of the functioning of agriculture.
57-65 418
The article presents the results of a comparative analysis of the development of agriculture in the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation. The structure and volumes of crop and livestock production in the context of the main agricultural producers (agricultural organizations, peasant (farmer) farms, households) were studied, the causes and factors of the transition to largescale production were identified in countries. The main results and directions of foreign trade of agricultural products and food products in the total foreign trade of goods of the states are substantiated.


66-72 351
The article presents the current state and forecast estimates of the development of the dairy market in China until 2026. The national peculiarities of the production of certain types of dairy products are revealed. The possibilities of development of the export potential of Belarus on dairy products trade with China have been determined.

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ISSN 1818-9806 (Print)