No 4 (2018)
2-12 338
The article presents analysis of the trends in world trade in agricultural products. Authors determine the global tendencies effects on the development of agricultural foreign trade of Belarus in export diversification context. Main importers of the agricultural goods by regions and countries are identified.
13-23 353
The article presents a systematic analysis of the natural consumption of material and technical resources used in the production of agricultural products. The calculated level of security of the country in mineral fertilizers, means of plant protection based on the actual consumption. Directions of optimization of material and monetary expenses and development of the market of material and technical resources for agriculture taking into account functioning of the EAEU are defined.
24-28 162
The assessment technique of activity results of the agricultural organizations and administrative and territorial units (areas and regions) following the results of the year on an indicator of value added gain and the rating formed on its basis in any required section is stated - in general on all productive and economic activity in a section of primary branches (crop production, livestock production) and kinds of activity (production of cattle meat, milk, pork, fowl, etc.) in the article. The offered approach allows to estimate objectively efforts of administrative personnel and labor collectives of one and all agrarian producers (including unprofitable) on efficiency increase of agricultural production and to reasonably define the subjects of managing and regions which have achieved the best results. Besides, the formation order of incentive fund for material and moral incentive of the agricultural organizations and regions which have reached the greatest efficiency gain (decrease in unprofitability) is offered.
29-33 192
The article presents the results of the analysis of insurance activities in the agricultural sector of the Republic of Belarus, where they are estimated in the dynamics for 2013-2016 indicators on compulsory insurance with state support of crops, livestock and poultry. Based on the results obtained, a number of problems have been identified that have a deterrent effect on the active development of agricultural insurance and some ways to address them.
34-45 192
The methodology which provides a comprehensive assessment of the qualitative composition of workers in agricultural organizations has been developed. Its relevance is predetermined by the modernization of the production base of agricultural organizations, which ensured the creation of prerequisites for the emergence of new professions in agriculture, taking into account the innovative direction of economic development. The results obtained are the basis for developing measures to improve the labour resources management in agricultural organizations and forecasting the development of the agrarian labour market.
46-51 236
In this article, the author reveals the scientific approaches to the definition of the essence of methodology, given at different periods by philosophers, and also raises modern problems associated with the separation of methodology at various levels, while defining it as a constantly improving system of knowledge. The article describes approaches to the definition of the categories “resources” and “resource potential”, describes the principal differences between these terms. Classification of resources is made, ways of increase of productivity of use of resource potential are offered.
52-58 184
In the article, the importance of establishing a fund for the restoration of agricultural land plots was substantiated and the question of displaying the fund in the accounting aspect was considered. The result obtained has a theoretical and practical value for agricultural enterprises in reflecting operations on formation and using of the fund in accounting.
59-66 366
The article investigates methodical aspects of the process of elaboration of regional strategies for the development of rural tourism. Appropriate algorithms and principles are described, including the necessity to take into account the level of investment attractiveness of a particular territory. Promising forms of cooperation in rural tourism in Belarus have been identified.
ISSN 1818-9806 (Print)