
Agrarian Economics

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No 2 (2025)
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3-18 41

The provisions in the development of theoretical and methodological foundations of state regulation of agroindustrial production in order to ensure its sustainability in terms of production, economic, social and environmen- tal components are developed. The revealed regularities of development in the context of world market trends and approaches of state regulation are presented. The mechanism of regulation of sustainable development of agroindustrial complex based on complex tools: program development, state support of agricultural producers, regulation of product market balance, stimulation, motivation and control is substantiated.

19-30 33

The article considers the semantic and methodological platform for analyzing the concept of balance. The structure of the subject-object configuration of integration interaction in the context of assessing balance is studied. Directions for ensuring the balance of functioning of regional agroindustrial holdings are proposed, including the coordination of interests of participants, the development of an investment strategy for the association, the creation of production units at the level of the management company, and the improvement of trade and sales activities.

The development of an investment strategy for the association involves drawing up a roadmap for the implementation of investment projects and a matrix of financing and effects of investment projects. The creation of production units, including machine-technological stations of repair shops, at the level of the holding’s management company is aimed at providing services to subsidiaries that compensate for their lacking resources. Improvement of trade and sales activities includes: unification of distribution networks of holding participants, formation of an optimal portfolio of brands.

31-43 29

The article provides a comparative analysis of the definitions of “personnel”, “personnel” and “labor potential”, which allowed us to develop the author’s definition of the essence of “personnel management in the agroindustrial complex”. The structural model of the system of personnel management in the agroindustrial complex in the conditions of digitalization, taking into account the transformation of professions, consolidation of the list of job responsibilities, etc. is developed. From the position of the development of theoretical foundations of management, special attention is paid to the content of the model elements (principles, factors, methods, etc.).

44-53 37

In modern conditions, human capital is a priority factor in the development of rural areas of Belarus. The socio-economic character of its formation makes it necessary to study the specifics of human capital development in the territorial area. The conducted research, which is also based on a detailed study of sociological surveys, allows us to point out infrastructural factors that predetermine the concentration of human capital in rural areas. This fact actualizes the task of improving the methods of managing its development through the development of conceptual approaches to the formation of the concept of rural human capital development.

54-75 43

Methodological approaches to assessing the economic security of agricultural organizations within the framework of the system of indicators of national food security The results of the study of international approaches to the analysis and assessment of food security in the context of the economic security of the state and agricultural entities are presented, the key differences and similarities of practices, their advantages and disadvantages are identified. The indicators of economic security of agriculture in the Republic of Belarus are analyzed, the main trends and patterns are fixed. A methodology for assessing the level of economic security of an agricultural organization is proposed, which provides for the systematization of data, calculation of economic efficiency indicators, and expert assessment. The results of the study make it possible to determine the degree of economic security of agricultural organizations, to identify key factors affecting their economic stability in modern conditions.


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The article examines the socio-economic potential of agricultural heritage sites in the development of the Republic of Belarus. A structured list of agricultural heritage sites grouped into nine categories is presented. The analysis of their potential contribution to the creation of new jobs and the diversification of the country’s income has been conducted. The authors emphasize the significance of the cluster approach to the development of agricultural heritage sites as centers of territorial development, performing production, educational, and touristic functions, and contributing to the creation of sustainable local ecosystems. The results of the study can serve as a basis for developing regional development strategies and shaping state policy.


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ISSN 1818-9806 (Print)