
Agrarian Economics

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No 9 (2024)
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3-16 111

The article reveals trends in the development of food markets in Belarus and Russia, and features of the agricultural strategy. Proposals are presented for the development of mechanisms for the formation of a common agricul tural market of the Union State of Belarus and Russia, including measures of state regulation in the field of forecasting supply and demand (strategic indicative planning, infrastructure development), pricing (maintaining price parity and competitiveness), subsidies (application of uniform principles and criteria for increasing efficiency and competitiveness), investment policy (stimulating scientific and industrial cooperation, technology transfer), forming the basis for the functioning of market participants on the principles of voluntariness, economic feasibility and balance of interests.

17-35 80

The theoretical and methodological apparatus of scientific approaches (economic, interdisciplinary) is analyzed in terms of revealing the general theoretical context of the phenomenon of cooperation (preconditions, mechanics of manifestation, effects). Conclusions are drawn about the development of scientific understanding of its functions and role. The prototypes of the models of cooperative relations are established, the chronological order of change is determined, their – content is revealed. The evolutionary stages of development of the theory of agrarian cooperation are substantiated. The peculiarities of modification of methodological models of analysis of cooperation in modern conditions of scientific search are determined, the synthesized description of the studied category is given.

36-49 87

The mechanism of cost management, reflecting the peculiarities of its organization at the microand macro-level, with the application of lean production principles (focus on creating value for the customer, continuous improvement, strategic orientation, loss reduction, visualization and transparency, etc.) is presented. Methodological approaches to cost rationing in the production of agricultural products, taking into account the conditions of its production (resource availability of organizations) and the level of efficiency of resource expenditure are substantiated. The novelty of the considered approach consists in the use of the tool of lean production – cost benchmarking. It allowed to calculate the reserves of growth of productive indicators of agricultural producers’ activity taking into account their provision with long-term and short-term assets, labor resources.

50-56 58

The article presents the results of a comprehensive study of peat-based enterosorbent with the introduction of ferrocin in the diets of dairy cows and fattening bulls. The results of a study of the radiological, zootechnical and economic efficiency of using domestic enterosorbent are presented.


57-68 92

A comprehensive analysis of the main trends and patterns of the modern world grain market has been carried out. Particular attention is paid to the key market players that are currently of the greatest interest. Forecast estimates of the main factors of the global grain market conditions are presented.

69-78 62

The peculiarity of the proposed methodology is the inclusion in the evaluation criteria of indicators that characterise the biological value of protein (content of protein convertible into animal products, non-degradable protein) and its cost. Approbation of the methodology made it possible to build a rating of the most preferable forages for each type of farm animals and poultry both from the position of satisfying their physiological needs in nutrients and taking into account the need to reduce production costs.


79-94 93

The article considers innovative directions of food production, which are actively researched in foreign science and mastered in practice in order to achieve food, energy, climate and environmental goals. The spheres of appli cation and the main producers of alternative food products are determined, the sources of energy efficiency improvement of agro-food systems arising from the replacement of traditional industries by alternative ones are identified. The key factors determining the formation and development of the alternative food sector have been identified, and the common features and distinctive features of the directions that have become widespread have been established. The prospects of alternative food products application in the Republic of Belarus are highlighted.


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ISSN 1818-9806 (Print)