
Agrarian Economics

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No 8 (2024)
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­3­-15 124

A retrospective analysis of the development of exports of agri-food products of the Republic of Belarus was carried out, which made it possible to determine the foreign trade achievements of the domestic agri-food sector of the economy over the years of operation of a sovereign state. The priority goals and objectives for developing the export potential of Belarus in the agri-food sector have been identified. Country and product trends in the development of foreign trade flows in agricultural products and food are proposed, which will contribute to the effective implementation of domestic export potential and the achievement of the strategic goal of increasing export revenues to 9 billion US dollars.

16-28 118

The relationship between investments in fixed capital and the efficiency of agricultural organizations in Belarus in 2013–2022 is analysed by groups of commodity producers depending on profitability and by administrative regions. The optimal share of own funds in the structure of investment sources is substantiated.

44­-52 118

The influence of agricultural practices for cultivating corn on the grain yield of this crop was stu- died. It has been shown that in the conditions of the central part of Belarus, with semi-steam tillage after harvesting the previous crop or cultivating stubble oilseed radish and using the herbicides Meister Power, MD (1.5 l/ha), Adengo, KS (0.4 l) in the 3-leaf phase of corn /ha) grain yield, net income and profitability were at the level of using the herbicide Gardo Gold, KS (4.0 l/ha) against the background of post-harvest application of the glyphosate-containing herbicide Volnik Super, BP (2.5 l/ha). At the same time, the herbicide load decreased from 3.38 to 0.09–0.19 kg/ha a. i., i. e., by 94.4–97.3 %, which is of impor- tant environmental significance.


53-­63 105

Specific characteristics of the functioning of the vegetable seed market have been identified (subjects and objects, trends, features, risks, regulatory tools). The factors of its sustainable development in a competitive environment are specified, and their relationships are established, reflecting the prio­ rity of further improving the instruments of legal regulation of the industry in the context of scaling the seed business, strengthening scientific and export potential.


64-81 173

Today, many agricultural organisations already use sensors, smartphones, tablets, drones and satellites in their operations. Digital technologies provide, for example, solutions for remotely measuring soil conditions, better water management, livestock and crop monitoring.
By analysing data collected by sensors, farming organisations can gain insight into the likely pattern of crops or the health and welfare of animals, etc. This allows them to plan activities more effectively, to be more efficient.
Digitalisation can increase farm profitability, improve working conditions and reduce environmental impact.


82-96 130

The role of employment and the importance of the agrarian labor market in the sustainable development of rural areas are substantiated. The factors of effective employment of rural population are determined. A comprehensive analysis of the conditions, features and problems of employment in rural areas of the Gomel region was carried out. Current problems, features and trends in rural population employment of the region are identified.

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ISSN 1818-9806 (Print)