
Agrarian Economics

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No 3 (2024)
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3-22 308

The article presents the results of the analysis of trends in global agricultural production, which determine the importance and necessity of state regulation of agricultural development at the national level (the need to overcome the impact of external challenges to the food and economic security of the country; the emergence of new trade barriers; the importance of sustainable development of the agroindustrial complex and agriculture for social well-being and preservation of the employment potential of the rural population in the agrarian sphere; the paramount scientific and technological development of the agricultural sector). It has been established that agriculture in Belarus is one of the national priorities and is one of the main components of the strategy of sustainable socio-economic development of the Belarusian state. The directions of improving the approaches of state regulation and support are outlined, which include: economic stimulation of efficiency improvement; regulation of food markets, support of export-oriented industries; targeted programs to promote products with high added value; fair pricing of agricultural products and means of production; development of market infrastructure; scientific and information support of agricultural producers’ activities.

23-32 147

On the basis of the current composition and structure of agroindustrial complex organizations of the Republic of Belarus, the dynamics of change of the state’s share in the authorized capital of agricultural, as well as industrial and service economic societies has been revealed; the peculiarities of normative-legal regulation of management of economic societies of agroindustrial complex with the state share of ownership have been studied; the scheme of the organizational mechanism of their management and the directions of improving the assessment of the performance of the state representatives in the management structure have been proposed.

33-44 114

The directions and factors that ensure the effectiveness of regional planning in agriculture are identified. The mechanism of planning the development of agriculture in order to strengthen the interaction of economic entities of the region is substantiated. The model of achieving the indicators of regional agroindustrial complex development in the context of increasing the economic efficiency of agricultural raw materials and food production has been developed. Its scientific novelty lies in the establishment of special relationships of subjects of different levels of management and management on the basis of a set of tools (information and methodological support, analysis, monitoring of indicators, control, regulation), which allows to quickly coordinate and adjust short-term plans for the development of the region, taking into account the priority of solving its problems of systemic and unit nature.

45-59 177

The article presents the results of the study of the historiography of cooperative ideas in the context of the development of the agrarian industry in Belarus. The stages of evolution of the national theory of cooperation are identified, the most significant academic approaches and scientific provisions formed by them are defined. The historical moments of change are established, the elements of genetic dynamics of scientific paradigms of research of the 

60-70 231

The Republic of Belarus, striving for modern technologies, is actively introducing innovations into the agricultural sector. One of the main advantages of digitalization of agriculture is the opportunity to increase production efficiency and improve product quality. Thanks to the use of modern information technologies, agricultural producers can manage all aspects of their farms, from planning crops to harvesting and crop storage conditions. This allows you to more accurately allocate resources, increase productivity, as well as reduce losses and avoid possible risks.

71-84 137

The main methods and sources of investment of agricultural business entities of Belarus are considered. An algorithm for the formation of investment resources of agricultural organizations is proposed, on the basis of which a model of investment support for the sustainable development of the studied business entities is developed, which is formed within the framework of the state policy for the development of the agricultural sector, taking into account the interests of other subjects of the investment sphere.


85-96 131

The article considers the scientific and practical aspects of creating a conversion-cluster high-tech direction of the economy to assess the potential of using military industry products in the agroindustrial complex, creating dual technologies, as well as developing approaches and mechanisms for their implementation. The research is based on the principle of making full use of the potential of digital and high technologies created by the military-industrial complex and other sectors of the economy, which can be effectively used in agrоindustrial production. Conversion allows you to significantly reduce the costs and time lag for the implementation of application solutions already developed and used in other environments.

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ISSN 1818-9806 (Print)