
Agrarian Economics

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No 2 (2024)
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3-18 278

The scientific and practical significance of the our variants models lies in the development of tools that allow assessing the effectiveness of using the production potential of a large-scale agroindustrial enterprise, justifying cost standards as indicators of planning target indicators, when developing measures to reduce cost intensity. The presentes variable models will be used in assessing the achieved level of use of production potential, for comparative analysis, as well as for shortand long-term planning agroindustrial complex organizations.

18-31 186

The article presents the results of theoretical research, as a result of which the author’s definition of the natural-economic potential of agricultural organizations is formulated, its characteristics and structure are given; the connection between the potentials of the external and internal environment is shown; a model for realizing natural and economic potential in the agricultural sector is presented; methodological approaches to assessing the potential of agricultural enterprises are considered, and the principles of its balanced use are substantiated.

32-43 178

Studying the features of the IPO mechanism on the platform of the Belarusian сurrency and stock еxchange is an important task, the solution of which will allow enterprises to increase investment potential or attract financing through the stock market of the Republic of Belarus, which is relevant for the agricultural sector in matters of regulating solvency and economic efficiency.

Based on the systematization and development of the methodological foundations for analyzing and identifying trends on the issues under study, a recommendation has been developed for conducting a public offering of shares on the stock market. It involves a detailed breakdown of each stage of the IPO from the moment of decision making to summing up the results.


44-57 255

A developed structural and logical scheme for determining the optimal model for an exporter’s entry into foreign markets, based on the “product-country” principle, is presented. The scheme consists of two key blocks for choosing a promising product item and a potential trading partner. A methodological approach to the step-by-step formation of a concept for promoting domestic products to priority markets is substantiated. Directions for improving the export of domestic agri-food products to the Chinese market have been identified using the example of dairy products.

58-67 198

The author’s directions for improving the current mechanism for financing projects from its investment fund in the Belgospischeprom concern are proposed: an algorithm for involving organizations in the financing of investment projects with established efficiency parameters at the expense of the concern’s investment fund and a mechanism for forming its share in the authorized capital of organizations financed from IFC funds. of which the state is not the only shareholder.


68-78 192

Elevators purchase and store the commodity part of the gross grain harvest, prepare it for supplying processing industries, providing agriculture with seed grain improved by industrial methods, as well as exchange operations (grain for grain, feed for grain).

The problems of economic interaction between grain farming and the elevator industry, determined by the level of production, post-harvest processing, storage and sales, are highlighted. A granary system consisting of three large units is presented. The prospect for the development of the elevator industry in the increasing role of the first and second links in close proximity to grain production in the country has been determined.


79-96 155

The pattern of changes in forms of life activity in rural areas, due to the formation of a new way of life and collective employment, has been identified. Factors influencing this process have been studied. Basic agricultural practices as a set of techniques and methods aimed at obtaining agricultural products, through which the essence of the relationship of man to the land and animals are expressed by type in crop and livestock production, are systematized. Their content and main characteristics are revealed, improvement factors in order to increase the volume of agricultural production are identified.

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ISSN 1818-9806 (Print)