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Management systems of food enterprises on the example of the dairy processing industry: analysis and features of functioning


The types of management systems implemented at food enterprises that help ensure the production of high-quality and safe products are analyzed. Using the example of dairy processing industry enterprises, the degree of implementation and certification of a quality management system, a food safety management system based on hazard analysis and critical control points, and a food safety management system was determined. Aspects of the application by enterprises of the requirements of the Halal system when supplying products to the markets of Islamic countries have been studied.

About the Authors

E. Shegidevich
Institute for Meat and Dairy Industry

Shegidevich Ekaterina Dmitrievna – Deputy Director for Quality and Innovation.


T. Jemiha
Institute for Meat and Dairy Industry

Jemiha Tatsiana Pavlovna – Head of Food Innovation Center.



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For citations:

Shegidevich E., Jemiha T. Management systems of food enterprises on the example of the dairy processing industry: analysis and features of functioning. Agrarian Economics. 2024;(7):70-78. (In Russ.)

Views: 147

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