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State sanitary supervision in the system of control and management of quality and food safety


Analysis of the results of state sanitary supervision in the field of food safety, including different indicators are carried out. Reflected the dynamics of not allowed for sale and withdrawn from circulation products reflected. The main directions of the system of management of quality and food safety of the country’s sanitary and epidemiological control service are outlined. The priority directions for the development of the national food safety control system have been identified and systematized.

About the Author

I. Dalakishvili
Republican Center for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health

Dalakishvili Iryna Aleksandrovna – Head of the Food Hygiene Section of the Hygiene Department, Hygienist of the Highest Qualification Category.



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For citations:

Dalakishvili I. State sanitary supervision in the system of control and management of quality and food safety. Agrarian Economics. 2024;(7):43-49. (In Russ.)

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