
Agrarian Economics

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Economic, zootechnical and radiological efficiency of the feed additive “Antiket” with the introduction of ferrocin


Presents the results of a comprehensive study of the production test of the feed additive “Antiket” with the introduction of ferrocin in the diet of dairy cows during the summer-pasture keeping of animals. The results of its radiological, zootechnical and economic efficiency are presented.

About the Authors

I. Makarovets
Institute of Radiobiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Makarovets Ivan V. – Researcher of the Laboratory of Environmentally Safe Animal Production under Technogenic Contamination Conditions



A. Karpenko
Institute of Radiobiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Karpenko Alexei F. – Leading Researcher of the Laboratory of Environmentally Safe Animal Production under Technogenic Con­tamination Conditions, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor


A. Tsarenok
Institute of Radiobiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Tsarenok Alexander A. – Head of the Laboratory of Environmentally Safe Animal Production under Technogenic Contamination Conditions, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences



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For citations:

Makarovets I., Karpenko A., Tsarenok A. Economic, zootechnical and radiological efficiency of the feed additive “Antiket” with the introduction of ferrocin. Agrarian Economics. 2022;(11):89-96. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1818-9806 (Print)