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System analysis and evaluation of the functioning of the fruit and vegetable subcomplex in the Republic of Belarus


One of the most important tasks facing the agroindustrial complex of Belarus is to increase the production of vegetables, fruits and berries in order to provide the population with high-quality fruits and vegetables, increase export potential, and increase the efficiency of processing industries. At present, due to the current foreign policy situation and in conditions exacerbated by the consequences of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, this task is becoming increasingly relevant. Discusses the trends in the cultivation of fruits and vegetables in Belarus and proposes measures to increase the production of vegetables, fruits and berries.

About the Author

V. Tsvirkov
Scientific Research Economic Institute of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus

Tsvirkov Vladimir V. – Head of the Department of Agricultural Economics and Forestry, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences



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For citations:

Tsvirkov V. System analysis and evaluation of the functioning of the fruit and vegetable subcomplex in the Republic of Belarus. Agrarian Economics. 2022;(11):78-88. (In Russ.)

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