The current state and the main directions of the effectiveness of functionality of agroservice organizations of the Republic of Belarus
The modern structure of the republican association “Belagroservice” is determined. A deep and comprehensive analysis was carried out, as well as an assessment of the production and financial condition of domestic agroservice organizations. At the same time, accounts receivable and accounts payable were studied, the structure of revenue and the profitability of certain types of agroservice works and services were considered. Promising directions for the effective functioning of agroservice organizations at the present stage have been developed.
About the Authors
A. SaiganovBelarus
Saiganov Anatoly S. – Head of the Department of Organization and Management, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
A. Takun
Takun Anatoly P. – Head of the Sector of Management and Digitalization, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
A. Rusakovich
Rusakovich Alexander N. – Head of the Sector of Cooperation, Master of Economic Sciences
I. Kovalev
Kovalev Igor L.– Researcher of the Sector of Management and Digitalization
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For citations:
Saiganov A., Takun A., Rusakovich A., Kovalev I. The current state and the main directions of the effectiveness of functionality of agroservice organizations of the Republic of Belarus. Agrarian Economics. 2022;(11):49-60. (In Russ.)