Theoretical foundations of rendering state support to аgroindustrial complex organizations
The article presents the results of studies of the mechanism for providing state support to agroindustrial complex organizations, including the directions of financing investment projects. Definitions of the terms “subsidies for the payment of interest (part of interest) for the use of loans”, “budget transfers to reimburse part of the capital costs of investment projects”, and a flowchart for improving the mechanisms of state support for the agroindustrial complex of the Republic of Belarus (classification of state support measures) are given.
About the Author
I. SayanavaBelarus
Sayanava Inna G. – Applicant for an Academic Degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences of the Department of Corporate Finance of the Faculty of Economics
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For citations:
Sayanava I. Theoretical foundations of rendering state support to аgroindustrial complex organizations. Agrarian Economics. 2022;(11):39-48. (In Russ.)