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Methodology and practice of building a new end-to-end corporate governance system for the agro-industrial complex


A conceptual model of the organization and functioning of the agro-industrial complex management system as a mega-cluster formation has been constructed, which includes four main blocks: organizational, economic, legal and institutional, which contain their inherent instruments and levers of regulation. Based on the above, the definition of the management model of the agro-industrial complex as a mega-cluster organization has been formulated. In development, an appropriate definition of the organizational and economic model of corporate governance of the agro-industrial complex as a mega-cluster is given. A set of factors that affect the management system in the agro-industrial complex has been established, and their brief interpretation is given. It has been established that in the modern practice of the agro-industrial complex, several main groups of models can be distinguished, typical for all levels of management: A. Incomplete – not all levels of management are covered; B. Traditional – all functions and organizational structures can be present in the management system; C. Market models – correspond to the specifics of management in market conditions; D. Innovative – based on combining the best aspects of all known models. On this basis, it was revealed that at present, the solution of most of the problems of the agro-industrial complex is possible, first of all, through the development of an end-to-end system of corporate management of agro-industrial production as a megacluster infrastructure.

About the Author

E. Gusakov
Institute of System Researches in the Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Gusakov Egor Vladimirovich – Head of the Cooperation Sector, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor 



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For citations:

Gusakov E. Methodology and practice of building a new end-to-end corporate governance system for the agro-industrial complex. Agrarian Economics. 2021;1(8):18-28. (In Russ.)

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