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Marketing boards: world experience of formation and development


The problem of marketing agricultural products has always been relevant for agricultural producers. It is extremely difficult to arrange storage, processing and systematic delivery for scattered, small commodity producers. Cooperation between small producers and retail chains is especially difficult. An underdeveloped marketing system often leads to significant losses in agricultural products. Some become bankrupt. The countries of a developed market economy faced these challenges at the beginning or in the middle of the 20th century. Agricultural marketing begins to develop actively during this period. Marketing boards are widely spread in many countries around the world in the 20th century.

The features of the work of marketing tips havn’t been studied enough in the post-Soviet space. For example, such structures don’t exist in Ukraine. The prerequisites for the emergence of marketing advice in various countries of the world have disclosed in the work. 2 main ways of creating such structures - the associations of manufacturers and the state initiative have been identified. Purpose and principles of marketing tips have installed. Forms of ownership and legal forms of ownership of such structures have identified. The features of work tips have characterized.

About the Author

Natalya Gretskaya
Institute for economics and forecasting, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine



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For citations:

Gretskaya N. Marketing boards: world experience of formation and development. Agrarian Economics. 2020;(11):57-69. (In Russ.)

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