Prospects for the development of exports of agricultural and food products of Belarus on the EU market
The article deals with the development of the export of agricultural products and foodstuffs of Belarus to the countries of the European Union. A comprehensive analysis of export flows of domestic agricultural products and foodstuffs to the countries of the European Union has been carried out. The article presents the import of these types of products to the internal market of the community, as well as the features of access of imported goods to the countries of the community.
About the Authors
Gordej Gusakov
Institute of System Studies in the Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Natalya Karpovich
Institute of System Studies in the Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Ekaterina Makutsenya
Institute of System Studies in the Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Liudmila Lobanova
Institute of System Studies in the Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
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For citations:
Gusakov G.,
Karpovich N.,
Makutsenya E.,
Lobanova L.
Prospects for the development of exports of agricultural and food products of Belarus on the EU market. Agrarian Economics. 2020;(10):31-41.
(In Russ.)
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