
Agrarian Economics

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Scientific prerequisites for the brewing market formation and effective functioning taking into account beer brands consumer awareness


The article presents the results of brewing products consumers marketing research in the Republic of Belarus in relation to knowledge to beer brands. The results of the research identify the most important beer characteristics from the consumers’ point of view, and also formulate the main recommendations for beer manufacturers. Thus, it was found that a high level of brand awareness does not guarantee the obligatory product sales profitability. Additionally, some well-known brands could not gain a high reputation, so buyers are not inclined to choose them for purchase. Therefore, manufacturers must identify such brands and either “heal” them or get rid of them. Those brands that demonstrate a high level of knowledge and customer loyalty, in contrast, should be supported. Along with this, the most popular brands of brewing products among consumers are identified and the options that consumers would prefer if they are not on sale. Important from the point of view of buyers revealed brewing products characteristics should be taken into account by manufacturers when forming the assortment policy of enterprises.

About the Authors

Anatolij Saiganov
Institute of System Researcher in Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Vitaliya Strelkova
Belarusian State Agricultural Academy


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For citations:

Saiganov A., Strelkova V. Scientific prerequisites for the brewing market formation and effective functioning taking into account beer brands consumer awareness. Agrarian Economics. 2020;(3):52-62. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1818-9806 (Print)