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Privatization of state property: mistakes and lessons from them


The article analyzes the mistakes made in the process of the hasty privatization of state property, carried out in the 90s. XX century in Ukraine and Russia. It is emphasized that the privatization of state property requires a balanced approach, which is unthinkable without taking into account past mistakes. Attention is drawn to the fact that it cannot be carried out in a hurry, but you should think for a long time, weighing all the «pros» and «cons». To carry out - in a short time, without declaring prematurely, in order to prevent public property managers from taking advantage of their opportunities for «grasping». In confirmation, it is indicated that, by and large, this reform did not happen either in industry or in the agrarian sector, because under its cover only the phenomenon of uneven distribution of land in the latter also arose and those who already have them too far continue to accumulate while others, limited from 5 to 10 hectares from the very beginning, remain deprived. In the author’s article’s view, reasonable measures are suggested that can be taken into account in the future reformation of production relations and thus become a fuse to avoid similar ones in Belarus, which became essentially the only outpost that didn’t succumb to the wild «grappling» of the nineties such demagogic populism.

About the Authors

Petro Sabluk
The National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine

Iryna Khomyn
Ternopol National Economic University


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For citations:

Sabluk P., Khomyn I. Privatization of state property: mistakes and lessons from them. Agrarian Economics. 2020;(2):54-63. (In Russ.)

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