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Mechanism of economic regulation of food security in the Republic of Belarus


The article presents an assessment of the performance of the agri-food system of the Republic of Belarus, reveals destructive trends and risks in this area. A model of an integrated system of state regulation of the agricultural sector is proposed, containing two possible solutions: the first, based on the practice of economically developed countries and the recommendations of the WTO, and the second, reflects the existing system of state regulation of the agricultural sector in Belarus, taking into account the requirements of a market economy. An integrated mechanism for the systematic regulation of food security has been developed, including tools for state regulation, elements of market influence on the agri-food system, as well as consumer criteria for the population.

About the Author

Iryna Gusakova
The Institute of System Researches in the Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


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For citations:

Gusakova I. Mechanism of economic regulation of food security in the Republic of Belarus. Agrarian Economics. 2020;(2):29-37. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1818-9806 (Print)