
Agrarian Economics

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The functional model for the formation of effective internal corporate relations in vertically integrated food companies


The key issue of the creation and functioning of food companies is the corporate relations management system, both between participants in integration interaction (subsidiaries, structural divisions), and between the corporate center (management company) and its participants. The article presents a functional model of managing internal corporate relations of food companies at the regional level, which contains the main elements that determine its effectiveness: subjects of interaction, principles and tools for regulating internal corporate relations, key management functions (components) in the context of the integration system.

About the Author

Yuliya Rybalko
Polesie State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus


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2. Рыбалко, Ю. Методические подходы к формированию эффективных вертикально интегрированных продуктовых компаний / Ю. Рыбалко, М. Запольский // Аграрная экономика. - 2017. - № 9. - с. 21-31.

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For citations:

Rybalko Yu. The functional model for the formation of effective internal corporate relations in vertically integrated food companies. Agrarian Economics. 2019;(11):18-23. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1818-9806 (Print)