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The legislative and regulatory support of activities of the Commodity Credit Corporation in the United States of America


The historical preconditions for the emergence of state corporations in the United States have revealed. The experience of the functioning of state corporations on the example of the Commodity Credit Corporation (TCC) has studied. The organizational and regulatory features of TAC functioning have analyzed. The powers and terms of reference that are vested in the TTC in accordance with the US legislative field have identified. The notion of the characteristic features of the legal environment in which the CCC functions has expanded. The main activities of the CCC have established. The management system of the corporation has represented. The key areas of state support for agricultural producers in the US, which are implemented through the CCC have identified, namely: income support and assistance in the event of natural disasters, lending and soil conservation programs, food aid, foreign market development, export credit. The conclusions that there are no structures similar in scope to CCC’s functions and powers in Ukraine, as well as throughout the postSoviet space, have made. The USA experience in creating state corporations in the postSoviet space, in particular in Ukraine, has proposed to be implemented.

About the Author

Natalia Gretskaya
The Institute for economics and forecasting National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


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For citations:

Gretskaya N. The legislative and regulatory support of activities of the Commodity Credit Corporation in the United States of America. Agrarian Economics. 2019;(7):57-68. (In Russ.)

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