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Waste from the processing of livestock and poultry in the feeding of fur animals


Preparation of feed for fur animals is one of the most important and responsible processes. Especially it becomes relevant in recent times, when there is a rapid change of the forage base. Replacing the traditional feed in rations of furbearing animals included perishable waste productions. In article the basic methods of processing of biological waste in feed for fur animals. One of these techniques is a mixture consisting of extrusion of feed: feed plant and animal and vegetable group. The resulting product, as a fullfledged forage or fodder additives is introduced into the diet of mixes for feeding fur animals.

About the Authors

Ivan Parkalov
Scientific and Practical Center of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Mechanization of Agriculture

Maksim Navnyko
Scientific and Practical Center of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Mechanization of Agriculture

Eduard Dyba
Scientific and Practical Center of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Mechanization of Agriculture


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For citations:

Parkalov I., Navnyko M., Dyba E. Waste from the processing of livestock and poultry in the feeding of fur animals. Agrarian Economics. 2019;(7):50-56. (In Russ.)

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