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Possible solutions for the further development of commitments related to state support of agriculture in the EAEU


The article considers the shortcomings of the legal framework of the Eurasian economic Union in force related to state support of agriculture, proposals for their elimination as well as further development of obligations taking into account building of joint agroindustrial policy are formulated. The approaches to clarify the procedure for calculating of price support and the differentiation of the effects of support measures for agriculture and other economic activities are outlined, the criteria for classifying support measures as importsubstituting are proposed. The article presents appropriate solutions to limit support, which have a distorting effect on mutual trade, coordinated application of measures of agricultural protectionism. The results of the research were reported on April 3, 2019 at a meeting organized by the Eurasian Economic Commission roundtable «Improving the efficiency of agricultural subsidies in the common agricultural market of the Eurasian Economic Union» (Moscow), which was attended by representatives of the ministries of agriculture, public organizations, scientific and educational institutions of the EAEU member States, as well as FAO.

About the Author

Valery Belski
The Institute of Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


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For citations:

Belski V. Possible solutions for the further development of commitments related to state support of agriculture in the EAEU. Agrarian Economics. 2019;(7):3-10. (In Russ.)

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