
Agrarian Economics

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Sustainable feed base as the most important factor in reducing the cost of milk production


The article analyzes the influence of feed consumption on the cost of milk production by agricultural organizations of Minsk region. Overspending of feed for dairy herd is calculated and its causes are revealed. The comparative evaluation of costs and yield of feed units for growing fodder crops in the JSC «Gastellovskoye». A proposal was made to improve the structure of the acreage of fodder crops and calculated the economic effect of its implementation. Examined the diets of fresh cows and high yielding, cows with the daily milk yield of 20 l and their cost. The economic effect of the use of feed in the division of cows into groups, taking into account productivity. The production and economic indicators of dairy cattle breeding development in JSC «Gastellovskoe» for 2015-2017 in connection with the development of the fodder base are analyzed.

About the Author

Olga Karaban
Belarusian Agrarian Technical University


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For citations:

Karaban O. Sustainable feed base as the most important factor in reducing the cost of milk production. Agrarian Economics. 2018;(12):37-44. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1818-9806 (Print)