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Methodology for assessing the attractiveness of the supplier of agricultural resources in the conditions of digital economy development


The methodology for assessing the attractiveness of a supplier of agricultural resources in the conditions of digital economy development is presented in the article. The methodology includes: a system of criteria that characterize the current and prospective activity of the supplier (the time of finding the supplier on the market, the range of products, the average selling prices in a certain position, the possibility of providing consulting services, the availability of discounts and their sizes, the timing of the order, the financial position of the supplier, etc. ); secondly, the algorithm for determining the quantitative evaluation of criteria based on the significance factors of a certain criterion (proportional change within the boundaries indicated, compared with the average values for the republic); thirdly, a step-by-step algorithm for the practical implementation of the proposed methodology for management levels of agricultural organizations (international, republican and microlevel); fourthly, a questionnaire on the evaluation of interaction with suppliers to determine the level of reliability of supplies and a questionnaire on the use of a particular resource in a certain region; Fifth, the scheme of information support for suppliers of material resources for agriculture. Practical application of the methodology in agricultural organizations of Glubokoe district of Vitebsk region made it possible to identify the reserves for the reduction of material and financial costs for the purchase of plant protection products in the amount: 5.7% in the average for the peasant farms of the district, and 8.7% for Chernevychy, JSC "Gluboksky Mixed Fodder Plant" - 12.1%, which reduced the cost of 1 ton of grain by 1,6 BYN, 2,3 BYN and 2,9 BYN respectively, on agricultural producers.

About the Author

Svetlana Makrak
Institute of System Studies in the Agro-Industrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


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For citations:

Makrak S. Methodology for assessing the attractiveness of the supplier of agricultural resources in the conditions of digital economy development. Agrarian Economics. 2018;(12):20-28. (In Russ.)

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